Page 18 of Code of Courage
“Uh, yeah, I am. It’s odd you’re calling about her.”
“If it’s because of the divorce, I—”
“No, no, it has nothing to do with the divorce. It’s just that right now I don’t think Danni intends to come back to work, ever. She told Gomez she quit.”
“Quit?” Gabe felt the ground fall away. The rumor was true? In Star Trek terminology he’d just entered a parallel universe. Everything was 180 degrees out of phase. “You’re pulling myleg.”
“I wish I was. I think she’s just had it.”
Gabe had difficulty digesting his conversation with Mara. The idea of Danni not being a cop was as foreign to him as a conversation in Klingon. The blow to the head had affected her more than he thought. He asked Mara if she’d told Danni what was going on with Jess.
“She doesn’t want to hear it. She told me to refrain from any current events reporting.”
“She trained Jess; she’d want to know.”
“Gabe, you of all people should know how stubborn Danni can be.”
Boy, did he ever.