Page 3 of Code of Courage
“Hmm. Quite a changing of the guard in the city prosecutor’s office. Might make you sorry you made the move.”
“Big changes all around, even in city hall. Might make you decide it’s time to retire.”
Gomez chuckled. “Already considering pulling the pin. What’s your boss Madden think of the mess we’re dealing with now?”
Gabe was spared an answer when a nurse stepped over.
“She’s out of X-ray, Lieutenant. You can go back and talk to her now.”
Gomez acknowledged the nurse and turned to Gabe. “You want to come back with me?”
Gabe shook his head. “I’d need to be sure she wanted to see me. Tell her I’m here and I hope she’s okay.”
Gomez nodded and followed the nurse through the double doors to the exam rooms.
Gabe paced for the next few minutes like an expectant father. He hadn’t thought this visit out. He’d been horrified by watching Danni go down, and after seeing the picture of her covered in blood... What if she wanted to see him?
What if she didn’t?
He went to the men’s room and rinsed his face off, a torrent of emotions tearing through him. They’d had a short but intense romance; he’d proposed after their second date. Their marriage had lasted nine tumultuous months, and the divorce he didn’t want had torn him apart. Gabe left the PD because he couldn’t work around Danni and not be part of her life. In the two years since the divorce became final, Gabe liked to think he’d found peace and healing. Now he wasn’t so sure.
The bathroom door opened, and Gomez poked his head in. “They said you came in here. I have to go; the mess at the substation is getting worse. Danni is good—she’s thinking clearly, answering questions right, no lingering concussion. Sorry, but she doesn’t want to see you.” Go-Go regarded him with sadness, not pity, and for that Gabe was thankful.
“I expected as much. At least she knows I came.”
Gomez nodded. “Take care, Fox. Make sure your boss prosecutes these knuckleheads we’re arresting.” He stepped out and let the door close.
Gabe leaned against the sink, surprised at how much it hurt that he wouldn’t be able to see Danni, to talk to her and make sure she was okay. He knew then that, in spite of the pain and the fights and the time passed, he still loved Danni Grace. He just had absolutely no idea what he could possibly do about it.