Page 37 of Code of Courage
“I don’t remember Madden or White campaigning on no support for the police.”
“White did talk about reform, but the details were always hazy. Now, for her, reform seems to be getting rid of the PD in favor of the sheriff’s department. Madden has seized upon Jess’s shooting to help move the idea along.” He sighed. “Thomas’s death served to stir the pot. I thought things had almost calmed down. LA is all quiet now, while LaRosa is still a powder keg. Thomas Johnston stoked unrest in life, and his death has causedit to continue to burn. But...” He let the thought trailoff.
Danni asked the question before he could. “Is it really about Johnston now?”
“Doesn’t seem to be,” Gabe admitted. “The guy I arrested, Jareb Moore, never said a word about Johnston. He said he didn’t recognize a police officer’s authority. His beef was with us being in the alley—he called it his alley.”
“Jareb, huh? One of the guys chasing me called someone Jareb. That’s an unusual name. Like my dad, I don’t believe in coincidences.”
Gabe shot her a glance, arching an eyebrow. The saying had been a favorite of Frank’s. Her dad had believed in a God who controlled everything. As much as Gabe admired Frank Grace, a Supreme Being in charge had been a bridge too far.
“Things happen for a reason?” he asked.
“Yeah, they do.”
“You know I’ve never been able to make that leap.”
“What leap?”
“A leap of faith. Believing in a Supreme Being controlling everything, life.”
“Saying it that way makes it sound as if life’s a video game with a god at the controls.”
“Well, what is it if not that?” Gabe asked, realizing this could be a can of worms but not able to pull back.
“We never really talked about faith, did we?” she said, expression sad.
He shook his head. “I always got the impression your faith died with your father.”
Danni looked away.
Gabe regretted the statement. “Hey, I’m sorr—”
She waved a hand. “You’re right. I struggled with my faith for a long time after my dad died. I wasn’t ready to let him go.” She paused, gaze settling on Gabe. He could see the moisture in her eyes. “I’ve worked a lot of stuff out since then. Life does have a purpose, Gabe. We’re not two steps removed from the animals; we’re not here by accident. I do believe God is in control of things, not like you think, but he’s given us purpose.”
“But not always protection.”
She smiled. “I guess it depends on how you define protection. Yeah, my dad got cancer and died. I wish it hadn’t happened, but there is a much bigger picture I can’t see, so I trust that nothing happens by accident.”
Gabe frowned, realizing he saw something new in Danni, something he’d not seen two years ago. There was a peace, an inner strength now. Was he imagining things?
He rubbed his hands together, not sure where to go next. He changed the subject. “You’re sure you heard the name Jareb?”
“Yep, I heard Hobbs and Jareb. I know there was a third guy, but I never heard his name.”
“Has to be the same guy. Before Madden threw me under the bus, I looked at his rap sheet. His record shows multiple arrests for disorderly conduct from a few different states. He’s untouchable here, it seems. I don’t know what it is about the alley.”
“Did you know about the cameras?”
He shook his head. “We were there in the daylight. I was looking down, for slugs. I found one and turned it in to evidence. I’m sure it was Jess’s, but I haven’t heard the ballistic results yet.”
“I saw the fake video. Seems as if we should focus there—who wanted it to look like Jess was the shooter.”
He rubbed his chin, happy to be conversing calmly with Danni. “Doesn’t the investigation to clear Jess make you want to stay and fight?”
“With everything stacked against me? I’m not sure I’m strong enough for that fight. What about you? Punished for doing your job... you can’t tell me you didn’t want to quit or at least think about it.”
“I can’t deny quitting has crossed my mind. I’ll stay in law enforcement, though. I don’t see any other path for me. I...” He let his voice fade, gathering his thoughts.