Page 63 of Code of Courage
“I do. All this bad press about Jess and police brutality weakens the trust for the PD in the community. We need public trust; you know that, Danni.”
“But the city would have less control over the sheriff than they have over the PD, Hoffman included. His editorials would have less sway over LA County officials.”
“Maybe. Yet he and Mayor White are pushing hard for an end to the PD in order to contract with the sheriff. The riots are awfully convenient for their argument.”
Danni could see “set up” as she considered his words. “We’re ordered to back down from the rioters, let them have their way. Then White uses the argument that we’re not doing a good job in order to get rid of us and contract the sheriff.”
“Looks that way. Yes, White hasn’t done anything to stop the riots, but it’s not helping her popularity. It’s like shooting herself in the foot. Her idea of test beats—”
“Hey, I found out I live in a test beat.”
“Right, its purpose is to remove the police presence. White and her brother, Hoffman, seem to think that black-and-whites patrolling areas act like itching powder, creating bad vibes. If all the offending patrol cars are gone, they believe the bad vibes will go away. All that’s happening right now makes the PD being disbanded a very real threat.”
“You’re serious?”
“I am, and so are they.”
Danni tried to process this. It made no sense. Maybe in a perfect world. But this world was not perfect, and that was, frankly, job security for police. Unless people like Hoffman got their way.
“It’s poor people who would be hurt by less police. Rich people like Hoffman can afford private security.”
“Agreed. It’s crazy,” Gabe said.
“The world is crazy right now, so I suppose I should entertain any theory.”
Her phone buzzed with a text. It was Matt, asking where she was.
“You have to go. Thanks for the coffee.”
She smiled. “Matt’s waiting. Thanks for meeting me. You’ve given me a lot to think about. Have a good weekend.”
Danni grabbed her coffee and left Gabe at the table.