Page 67 of Code of Courage
Gabe met the kid with his own stern expression and held out his ID. “Investigator Fox, district attorney’s office. I’m here to visit a resident.”
The kid took the ID and studied it. “Business with who, sir?”
He wasn’t ready for this question and heard himself say, “I’m not at liberty to say.”
“I need to know what address you’re visiting, sir.”
“And I have a legal need to protect the privacy of the person I’m visiting.”
This created no little consternation for the kid. He looked back and forth from the ID to Gabe and Gabe almost smiled.
“The rules say I need an address—”
“Look, son, I have business here. Privacy concerns preclude me from divulging the address. Maybe you need to call a supervisor.” He gave the kid his best all-knowing, all-seeing gaze.
“I’ll have to make a copy of your ID.”
“Go right ahead.” While he’d rather there was no record of this visit, he realized he had no choice. In for a penny, in for a pound. Gabe was confident he could justify this move but hoped he wouldn’t have to.
The guard returned with his ID and then opened the gate. Gabe drove in, following his GPS, hoping his visit with Aker would make all of this worth it.