Page 21 of Second First Kiss
But to make that remotely viable, she wasn’t just going to have to change his mind about Mendon, she was going to have to change Mendon’s mind about him.
Why were they hating on him so fiercely?
Sage would have to find out.
Over the PA system, a voice mentioned Sage’s name, and she perked up to listen more carefully to the repetition of the shout-out.
“Sage Everton, please come to room one-oh-three. Sage Everton, room one-oh-three.”
That had been Danny Dooley’s room. Shouldn’t he have checked out by now?
Sage tucked her phone away and speed-walked down the hall to the patient wing. As she approached, she found Jasher Hotchkiss standing in the hallway looking like some kind of tall, dark, and handsome, brooding model.
All her pistons fired, just like every single time she saw him. What might she lose herself to if they were to get closer by dating? She already admired him—despite the thumbnail sketch she had been given of his character. If she got to know him, and to like him a great deal more like her body chemistry was thrumming for her to do, was she setting herself up for major disappointment?
“Is Mr. Dooley all right?”
Jasher took her elbow and led her away from room 103. Where was he taking her?