Page 55 of Second First Kiss
Chapter 20
Tyanne turned out to be all Jasher promised and more. Or, had he warned more than promised? She had a big boat, a big smile, a big voice, and a big personality. And she loved Jasher—unabashedly.
Sage adored her.
“What made you even think of bidding on Jasher’s auction items? Didn’t you know he’s basically as socially contagious as one of those rat viruses?”
“You mean the hantavirus?” Gross. “I don’t think the community dislikes him as much as he seems to think they do.”
Jasher was driving the boat while Tyanne’s husband spun three-sixties on the knee board. No way could he hear the women’s conversation over the roar of the motor.
“Sure they do. Haven’t you heard? Business at his stepdad’s medical office is down eighty percent since Jasher took over. And it’s not because they’re all dying.”
“Of his virus?”
Tyanne had a laugh as broad as Newberry Reservoir. “I like you, Sage. You’re not nearly as intimidating in person.”
What was that supposed to mean? “Uh, I pride myself on my non-intimidating style.” She glanced down at her body, mostly covered by the life jacket. At least this thing concealed her awful swimsuit. With this week’s work schedule, she’d had no time to replace her old purple bikini from college. “And to answer your earlier question, the bidding was blind. No one knew which bachelor offered what.”
“And so you saw the lists and went, ooh! Newberry Reservoir! I’ll pick that.” Tyanne snort-laughed. “You’d have to think I’m pretty dumb if you want me to believe that. No woman picks the Newberry Reservoir list.”
“All I knew was it didn’t have a certain steak house named on every other guy’s list.”
“You’re a vegetarian? Or a Hindu? You love cows?”
“No. Just don’t like bull riders.”
Tyanne blinked a few times, but soon it clearly registered for her. She mouthed the words, Cade Calhoun. “Say no more.” Her upper lip curled. “And let’s say, you just climbed five more levels.”
Finally! Another woman who didn’t find that brand of cow-puckey enticing. “I like you back, Tyanne. I think we understand one another.”
The boat made its fifth round of the algae-thick pond. Willow branches overhung every inch of the perimeter other than the boat launch, and even part of that poorly maintained cement slab boat launch.
Floating islands of yellow moss studded the center of the reservoir’s greenish brown water. Ah, irrigation dams. So charming. It was no wonder theirs was the only boat. Newberry had a well-earned reputation for being distinctly non-inviting for recreation.
“I guess I’m fishing for information about you and Jasher, as is my style. Being married, I have to live my romances vicariously.”
“No romance left after marriage? That’s disappointing.”
“It’s not that. It’s the flutters of newness I have to live by proxy. Tate and I have been together since high school, you know? Since we were freshmen.”
“That’s early to know he’s the one.”
Tyanne let loose with a broad laugh. “I guess it’s just the Hotchkiss way. Hone in on the target bright and early. Just like Jasher did.”
Sage laughed, too, but more like she was being watched. “What do you mean? Did Jasher have a high school girlfriend? He never mentioned one.”
“Yo! I’m talking about you.”
“You know.” Tyanne’s elbow would have maimed Sage’s ribs if she hadn’t been wearing the life jacket. “You.”
Maybe Jasher had mentioned the kissing booth. It wasn’t beyond the pale for a fifteen-year-old guy to kiss and tell, especially to a close cousin. Even more especially a close cousin who may have ferreting skills worthy of a CIA agent.
“Are you referring to when he kissed me his freshman year?”