Page 72 of Second First Kiss
“Didn’t they revoke his license?” Sage nodded slowly, as if recalling more details. “Multiple cases of bribes for opioids.”
“That’s the guy.” Tyanne’s voice was flat. “I’m not hooked on prescriptions if that’s what you’re inferring from this, though, cousin.” She looked to Jasher—who’d heard none of this gossip, since he’d been out of state for his residency. “Volmer, the genius, claimed my inability to get pregnant was due to a rare form of endometriosis. During a routine exam, he performed an impromptu procedure on me. It didn’t end well.”
Holy—! Jasher’s throat got tight. “Volmer?”
Tyanne stared at the blanket. “He’s Quennelle’s half-brother.”
No, it couldn’t be.
Or could it?
Quennelle had said something about wanting to give his brother a place to work where he could serve people who didn’t have preconceived notions about him. In the moment, that sentiment had resonated with Jasher on too deep a level for him to really analyze its implications.
Sage reached over and pressed Jasher’s hand, and then she left his side and scooted next to Tyanne. She put her arms around his cousin and held her until the always-strong woman relented and melted into the embrace. Soon, Tyanne’s shoulders were shaking, and Sage was just holding her in the starlight. Sage stroked Tyanne’s hair.
This was not how Jasher had expected this night to go at all.
“You can’t sell it to him, Jasher.” Tyanne’s plea arrowed straight to his heart.
Clearly that was the case. No matter how he felt about Mendon—or how Mendon felt about Jasher—he wouldn’t wish a pernicious quack on anyone. No matter how much the brother was offering as a purchase price.
Now what was Jasher supposed to do?
Tyanne quit her silent sobbing. Jasher cleaned up the charcoal, and Sage gave Tyanne hug after hug.
“I already love you, Sage Everton.” Tyanne sniffled. “Even if you decide to kick my cousin to the curb—where most men deserve to be from time to time—I want you in my family. Any chance you’d put yourself up for adoption? Tate and I are, you know, looking to adopt.”
That lightened the mood some, and eventually Tate returned from his letting-off-steam hike—relieved and a lot less angry after he heard that the sale was off.
Tyanne and Tate left.
Jasher and Sage stayed in the meadow. He had things to talk to her about, but maybe tonight was not that night.
Sage gripped Jasher’s bicep. “I can’t imagine how that must feel.”
Already loving Sage Everton, like Tyanne had declared? Jasher could imagine it all day long. But she meant the doctor’s error atop the childlessness. The insult and the injury—it piled into ongoing pain.
“She’s strong. Tate is at her side, and that makes her stronger.”
“They’re incredible.” Sage looked up at the stars. “What are you going to do—about the clinic?”
“I’m sure there will be another buyer.” Nothing had been signed or notarized yet, thank the heavens.
“You’re really not selling it to Quennelle?”
“After that?” Never.
“Of course you’re not.” She smiled up at him and then rested her head on his shoulder.
“If I’d known …” All those thought-dominoes tumbled. If he’d known, he never would have spent all these weeks courting Quennelle as the buyer. He could have actively been searching for another person to take on Parrish Medical. He’d lost nearly the whole summer.
“You’re still selling.” Sage turned to look at him. Even in the moonlight he could make out the unique shade of her eyes. “When we were starting forest fires at Moose Creek, you said you had a job offer at the Knighton Knee Clinic.”
Jasher lay back, bringing Sage alongside him to look up at the night sky. “As of earlier this week, the position was still mine for the taking.”