Page 12 of First Real Kiss
Stab, stab, stab. I donned a mask of humor to hide the pain. “Hmm. What’s that thing called again? A cease and desist order? Because I’m considering requesting one against you on this topic.”
Jane’s kids ran up and demanded more snacks. Jane wrangled them, hugged them, and set them on a course for her mini-van. I followed, handing them bags of fruit snacks from my purse and quarters for the next gum machine they saw.
Yes, I wanted them to love me. I was not above bribery.
“Don’t worry too much about that doctor with the bad personality, Sheridan. Take your own advice and put him behind you now. You said your beef with him, and he has the rest of his life to ponder it and to make better choices. Consider it over with.”
Easier said than done. Especially for Roland. But she was probably right.
“That is”—she leaned in for a hug goodbye—“unless you are determined to sue his butt in court. Then, we’ll talk about him again.”
“You’re the very definition of a friend.” I stayed in the shade as she and the kids receded. My conscience and I had a few things to work out regarding the doctor I’d wished harm.
Fine. I wasn’t going to sue Luke Hotwell.
In fact, my training—and my heart—told me I was eventually going to have to make peace with him.
But not until after Mom and Dad’s party—which promised to be a you should remarry so you can have this happiness like us broken record. Still, I’d endure because they were the loveliest people alive and loved me best of all. And because I hadn’t found the one man my heart kept whispering I needed to find in this world, the one who’d saved my life.
Speaking of actual life-saving. Would I ever see my rescuer again?