Page 34 of Five Days in July
“True, but just so you know, I don’t have any more damsels hidden around.” I want her to know in case she feels the same connection I do.
Instead of picking the call up on the shop phone, I answer on my cell and herd a stunned Nore out the back door. “Song Automotive.”
I close my eyes when I hear Annie’s cheerful voice requesting to talk to Nore.
She gives me a questioning look, so I muffle the phone against my shoulder and whisper, “It’s Annie and probably Al. You want to talk to them?”
Without hesitation, she pulls the phone from my hand. “Hi, this is Lenore.”
While they chatter on the phone, I load her into the truck and lean across and buckle her in. My arms brush against her stomach, but I force myself not to linger in the warm heat of her skin and step away.
Her voice gets reedy on the phone, and I see her chest heave, but I close the door before I make things any more awkward.
I climb in and start the truck but don’t go anywhere yet. Nore’s looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
“Did you reschedule appointments today? Is that why it was so slow?”
Dammit, Annie.
“Yup.” I try to keep my face neutral but figure it’s best to be honest.
“You shouldn’t have done that. You’ll lose business.”
“Sweetheart, people around here will keep coming back to me to get their cars fixed because I’m the best. One day of rescheduled appointments isn’t going to matter.” I mean, it might if I make a habit of it, but today felt different. Less frenetic and stressful.
Annie must have heard what I said because Lenore glares at me but listens to whatever Annie is telling her.
“I suppose,” she murmurs.
Before I can even say goodbye, she’s hung up, and Nore’s handing my cell phone back.
“Everything alright?” I can’t help but ask.
“She said you were probably doing me a favor since everyone’s curious about new people.”
That wasn’t my intention, but I can see now that we might have a rush of customers in the next few weeks.
“Honestly, I just didn’t want to overwhelm you. I know a lot of this is brand new territory.”
“I understand.” She sighs and arches her neck to the side to crack it. “I just hate to feel like I’m cheating you out of business when you’ve already gone so far out of your way to help me.”
I shift the car into drive and pull out, heading toward the highway to take her home.
“It’ll all work out.” I have to believe that. My old office manager had been part-time, but there’s no way I’m going to tell Lenore that. I selfishly want her there with me as much as possible, and I know she needs the job. Whatever she was getting paid before, I know I can’t match it. Plus, I can’t offer insurance, and time off doesn’t happen very often.
I brake for a light, and while we’re waiting for it to change, she turns to me, shifting so that one leg is tucked up under the other on the seat.
“I need to ask you a question, though, and I need you to be honest.”
Her tone is grave, and I know she’s serious about whatever she’s about to ask. My stomach turns, unsure about where the conversation is going.
“I’ll always be honest with you.”
She grabs the seat belt strap tightly but watches me as we start driving. I can feel her eyes on my skin; in some ways, it’s unnerving being that aware of someone else.
“I was working on filling out the employment paperwork you mentioned.”