Page 11 of Ruthless Convict
"Here," Austin grabs my waist and lifts, swinging me around the bike. He sets me down with a gentleness I didn't expect him capable of. "You seemed like you'd had a rough day, and I thought a drive might clear your head."
I shake my head, struggling to keep the smile off my face. Penelope’s warning creeps along the base of my skull again, but I push it away. Austin has been away from society for a long time now. Some allowances should be made while he adjusts.
I don’t want to examine the thought much further. Because I can’t tell if I’m being logical, or allowing emotions to sway my judgment.
“I would have liked to be asked first. You know?” I cock my head at Austin. “Consent is pretty sexy.”
It’s the tagline for the sixth-grade sex ed presentation, but that doesn’t make it any less true. I can’t find it in myself to be afraid or angry with Austin.
He smiles at me, and it melts right through the last of my reserves. Austin is so fiercely beautiful that I feel like I should be taking pictures. I want to capture his eyes reflecting the setting sun so that I can keep this moment forever.
"Come on. I want to show you something. That is if you'll consent to a walk?" Austin’s eyes sparkle with mischief as he offers me a hand.
I roll my eyes but take his hand. It's big and warm as the rest of him. I can't help but notice how much bigger his hand is. For one heartbeat, the cold fear wins out. Anxiety ticks to life in my chest. The familiar adrenaline rush hovers, just beyond my grasp. Penelope’s words take another lazy lap around my skull.
If Austin wants something from me, he doesn't need my consent.
He could just take it.
Worse, I’m not sure I’d want him to stop.