Page 40 of Take Me (Dark Odyssey 5)
“I don’t know where the guns are. I swear I don’t know. They… needed me to get the details for the system on the shipments so we could plan,” he stutters.
“Go on,” I urge.
“They wanted me to keep tabs on you and check on when you’d be replacing Peter. Jonny kept tabs on the guns.”
“You must know something about the fucking guns though.”
He shakes his head. With a savage growl I get back to the ground and hold the gun at his head again.
“I don’t know,” he cries. “I heard them mention a transit in four weeks. The guns didn’t come here.”
Four weeks. So, the guns are still in Chicago. That’s something. It’s not a lot but it’s a massive something.
“Where is the transit?”
“They didn’t say.”
He’s been sayingthey. That means more than Falcone must be in charge.
“Who else is Falcone working with?”
“A cop at –”
His head explodes before me and blood splashes all over my face. Bullets start flying and the men lined up go down when bullets pierce their skulls.
Fuck. Holy fuck. I can’t even process what I just heard. I take cover behind an oil drum with my gun ready and process then.
A cop…that was what the fucker said.
Dirty cops. I haven’t come across that bred before, probably because I loathe cops.
That’s one more piece of the puzzle I never expected and something I can’t think about now. We’re surrounded. Men pour into the warehouse and shoot at us.
I see a clearing and take it, jumping out with my guns I take a few guys down.
I move forward with Kirk and the others shooting to kill, and kill we do but there are too many of them. We are vastly outnumbered.
“Kirk you go to the left,” I shout, and Kirk rushes left shooting.
I go right doing the same. I run to the other side of the room, trying to get to the wall but three guys come down from the roof and I have to jump out of the way to evade their bullets.
By doing so I drop my gun.
Fuck. I might die here. I might end up dead like those men, unable to get to the others to let them know we’re being screwed by a crooked cop.
I try to get my gun, but I can’t. A big guy jumps in front of me ready to take me out with his. I get up to try and fight with my fist but my fucking life flashes before my eyes when I hear that sound.Click-clack.
Shock blinds me with a flash of light and my mind conjures up and image of Lilly.
Not us in bed, but her in that crystal ball and that look in her eye. that pleading look, secretly calling out to me to save her.
Just like Amelia.
A bullet fires and I expect to feel the pierce of it in my head. I was shot in my leg once and that hurt like a bitch. This should kill me instantly, except the bullet never actually comes. My focus comes back to me and I’m shocked to shit when the guy in front of me drops in a heap. Ahead is Vincent with his guns raised. It was him who took out the guy.
Salvatore, Gabe, and Nick file in shooting anyone that moves.