Page 6 of Casualty of Devotion
He slowly approaches and this time, I focus on his demeanor. His eyes are full of kindness as he cautiously stops before me. “I didn’t mean to frighten you, Miss Irelynn.” He gives me a quick smile. “I only want to check you over. William told me you were screaming and then you fainted.”
Closing my eyes, I simply nod, trying not to think about why I was screaming. I want to get this exam over with so I can find out why William brought Damian up. “I’m not quite myself tonight.” I force a smile to my lips, figuring that my full cooperation will only help speed things up.
The doctor begins examining me and my mind drifts away, wondering how Max knew about the warehouse and what the hell happened. My foot bounces impatiently beneath the covers until, finally, the doctor steps back and I pull myself from my thoughts.
His eyes are on William when he speaks. “She likely experienced a panic attack and then hyperventilated. From the symptoms you described when you called me, it’s a textbook case.” His gaze moves to mine. “I’m going to show you some breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. I also think it would benefit you to get some exercise. I’m going to prescribe some anti-anxiety medication that will also help.”
I nod, playing the dutiful patient, not having any intention of taking any damned pills. This doctor has no idea what my world has turned into. I’ve never experienced panic attacks until William. When he entered my life again, that’s when all my problems began.
The doctor pats my shoulder, then informs William he will have the prescription ready soon. William releases me, waiting for my reaction. When I give him a nod, signaling I’m okay, he turns and leaves the room with Dr. Jackson.
Heaving out a long sigh, I’m shocked when the door opens again, and Emma slips inside. Her eyes dart around the room and she nervously twists her fingers together as she hurries to the side of the bed.
Drawing my legs into my chest, I study her nervous face. “Emma. What are you doing here?” My eyes dart to the door and I keep my voice low.
Her hand flutters to her neck, twirling the necklace that hangs from her throat. “I just needed to talk with you.” Her eyes dart back to the door. “My dear, I was so concerned when I heard you screaming.” Emma’s voice lowers even more, barely above a whisper. “What happened?”
Tears well in my eyes and I sniff, wiping at my nose. “You are probably going to think I’m crazy if I tell you.”
She frantically shakes her head back and forth. “That’s not true, dear.”
I sigh, having nothing left to lose. Besides, she works for William, so she should be used to crazy. “When I’m really close to someone, I can sense when something is wrong. I used to do it with my brother before he… passed away.” I swallow hard, my fingers twisting the comforter. “Tonight, I sensed that something awful happened to Max.” I wince, my voice breaking, my chest aching. “I stopped feeling his presence. His essence.” Nausea swirls in my stomach. “As if he’s… nonexistent.”
Emma’s eyes widen and she gestures to the bed. I nod and she sits, her hands running down her pants leg. “I’m so sorry, dear.” She stares at me intently. “I don’t think you are crazy at all. I used to have a similar connection with my Robert.” Her eyes drop and remain downcast as she says, “He passed away from cancer. I was at the pharmacy when it happened, picking up his prescription.” Her lips tremble and her voice cracks from her grief. “I knew the second he took his last breath. I climbed inside my vehicle and… I felt it. The moment his light left the world.” She sniffs and wipes away a tear. “I was distraught and ended up having a panic attack. Though it wasn’t something talked about as much in my day as it is now.” She gives me a gentle, motherly smile, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. “Robert was the love of my life. I’ve been living without him for twelve years now and not a day goes by that I don’t think of and long for him.”
“I’m so sorry, Emma.” I squeeze her hand, offering solidarity.
Despite the emptiness I’m feeling inside, my eyes lock on Emma’s and a bond of kinship passes between us. She pats my hand, a contrite look on her face as a sigh escapes her lips. A frown mars her lips, but her eye contact never wavers. “I believed the story William told me when he first brought you here. But the moment I saw your red cheek from where he hit you and your bound wrists and ankles… Well, I knew he wasn’t being truthful. And honestly, you do not seem to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome like he told me.” An embarrassed flush creeps up her neck and over her face. “I overheard him on the phone, telling someone that he had fooled me and the story he spun was a necessary evil. I wouldn’t have gone along with it if I knew the truth.”
My brows raise as I study her intently, trying to determine if she’s genuine or if this is a game. But she saved me when I tried to escape by running into the woods. “What are you saying?” My voice is low and soft as I look at the door, my ears straining for any sign that William is returning.
Her gaze darts toward the door, then back to mine. “I’m saying don’t lose hope.” She gives me a small smile. “I’ll let you know if I hear any updates about Max.” Her voice lowers and I have to lean forward to hear her. “Clearly, you can’t trust William to tell you the truth.” She stands, goes to the mini refrigerator, and grabs a bottle of water.
William’s footsteps grow louder as he gets closer. Opening the door, he steps inside the room, his gaze going from me to Emma. As he moves closer to the bed, he shoves his hands in his pockets, assessing me. “How are you feeling?”
I give a slight shrug and mutter, “A little thirsty. But Emma is on it.”
William gives a slight smile, then pulls out his phone. As Emma heads toward me, she asks, “Would you like me to get you a glass with ice, dear?”
“I’d love that. Thank you.”
Emma sets the bottle of water beside me. “I’ll be right back.” She heads to the door while William returns to his phone.
“Thank you, Emma.”
She grins, nodding. “Of course, dear.” As she reaches for the doorknob, she mouths, ‘Play the game’ before she opens the door and steps through.
Hmmm… maybe Emma is an ally who is going to help me.
Chapter three
Crossing my feet at the ankles, I pounce on William with my frantic questions as soon as Emma walks out the door.
“Damian is your half-brother? The same Damian that I had class with last year?”