Page 16 of Tremors of Desire
I’m already shaking my head. “No, it’s fine.” I take a deep breath, my eyes going to the door. “This is going to sound stupid, and it’s really out of character for me to ask this… but could you come inside and just… look around? Make sure…”That everything appears safe?I can’t say the rest of those words, though.
His hand gently squeezes mine again, and my head turns to his.
“Yes, it’s no problem at all.” His tone is reassuring, like I’m not putting him out at all.
But I am being a pest. The guy went to campus to get his books, not deal with this… drama.
As if he sees it on my face, he says, “Irelynn, it’s really fine. I don’t mind at all.” His hand runs through his hair, mussing it. Somehow it makes him more attractive. “I’d feel better about it, actually. Just to make sure it’s safe for you to be here alone.”
Nodding, I heave in a sigh, grabbing my phone and purse. Max opens my car door and steps back, waiting until I climb out. After closing my door, he falls in step beside me, heading to the passenger side of my vehicle for my textbooks.
“Nice shoes. Saucony?” My eyes take in his navy running shoes, impressed. Glancing back to his face, I wonder why I’m focusing on something so trivial right now.
“Good guess.” He grins, his eyes shooting to mine.
I shrug. “Not really. They are my running shoe of choice. Really the only brand of sneakers I put on my feet. I have high arches.”Why am I telling him this?
His grin widens. “They are the best. Though I’m not sure if my arches are high or not. I’ve never paid attention to them.” He bumps my shoulder lightly, letting me know he’s teasing. I can’t help but laugh.
“No, most people don’t. I used to get plantar fasciitis so that’s why I know my arches are high. Good running shoes help prevent it.”
Grabbing the passenger door handle, I can’t fathom why I suddenly have verbal diarrhea of the mouth. Max’s hand closes around mine, stopping me from pulling my door open. Taking a deep breath, I turn to him, my eyebrows raised.
“I’m sure Saucony’s help. Are you an avid runner?” His hand gently pulls mine from the door. Opening it, he slides past me, lifting both bags of books from the seat.
“Yes, I am but Max—” His sharp look makes me shut my mouth.
Giving him a teasing grin, I say, “But I’m going to look like an asshole now, letting you carry both bags of books while I have none.”
Max starts chuckling, which turns into a howl of laughter as he shakes his head. “I think your reputation will remain unscathed.” He leans closer to me. “I don’t think people consider women assholes for letting a guy carry stuff.” His eyes dart around my apartment complex and he gives me a lopsided grin, eyes sparkling. “Plus, it enhances my reputation as a gentleman, so you are doing me a favor.”
I can’t help but laugh at him. “Your logic is impressive. I thought I had you, using your words against you.” I give him a light round of applause.
He winks at me, bowing slightly. “Thank you. I’ve never been complimented on my logic before.” He pushes my door shut, waiting until I lock it, then falls in step beside me.
I’m still laughing as I head to my apartment door, unlocking it. “Guess I better be on my toes around you. But don’t get used to compliments about your logic. I give them sparingly.” I tease as I open the door and move to walk inside, but his arm shoots out, books swinging from his hand, blocking me.
“Please, let me go first.” His eyes plead with mine and I nod, stepping back so he can go inside. He moves inside, lightly brushing against me, his scent wafting through my nostrils. Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply, relishing in his aroma, then step in behind him.
He glances around the kitchen, then the living room. “Where do you want your books?” He says to me over his shoulder.
“Oh, you can put them on the table.” He moves toward it, and I follow him.
“Would you like water or something to drink?”
“Sure,” he says as he sets the books on my table. His eyes move to the flowers in the center, and he raises his brows, looking at me as I move toward the fridge.
“My mom had them delivered, wishing me luck for the first day of classes.” Opening the fridge, I bend down, grab two bottles of water, then turn, shutting the door with my hip.
Max comes closer, taking the water, fingers grazing mine. “They are beautiful. That was really nice of your mom.”
Why did I feel that weird tingle againwhen our fingers touched? It’s like I’m touching the flame of a fire, the white-hot sensation spreading through me, my skin humming. My senses heighten and my breath hitches, then falls faster from my lungs, making me feel slightly dizzy, as though I’m whirling around on a merry-go-round.
“Yeah, she’s the best.” My smile comes easy as I picture her. “I’m very fortunate. My parents are amazing.”
His smile falters and his expression momentarily darkens. I tilt my head, studying his reaction. He quickly turns away. “I better check the place out.”
Hmm. That was odd.Following behind him, I glance around my apartment. I lock the door as I walk by, which makes Max turn. “Sorry. I just thought it’s safer…”