Page 34 of Tremors of Desire
I give him a nod, my eyes pleading with him to understand. “She needs to take care of her brother right now. She’ll be here for me when things settle down with brother.” I look around the room, searching for my racket. When I spot it, I head to where it leans by the door, stooping down and picking it up. “And I have my trusty racket for protection.” I give him a small smile, raising it in the air.
“To do what? Play tennis with William? Irelynn, that racket won’t do much against him, I’m sorry to say.” His tone is sarcastic; his face full of agitation as he shoots me a look. He paces across the room, swearing under his breath.
“I’ll be fine, Max. We can go get breakfast, get your books, and then coffee. You can drop me off—”
He spins with such fury, stomping toward me, that the racket slips from my hands. “No, that isnotokay, Irelynn. If I leave you alone, you’re a sitting duck.” Through his anger, there is a deep sense of worry. Suddenly, he reaches out, pulling me against him. “Hell no, I’m not leaving you alone. If I have to stay with you tonight or take you to my apartment, I will. But I’m not going to be able to live with the knowledge that if you were raped, kidnapped, or killed by this crazy asshole, that it’s my fault for leaving you alone. I may not have been able to protect my aunt, but I can damn well protect you—” He stops speaking, realizing what he said.
I pull away, blinking up at him, the pieces falling into place.That’s why he’s so protective. His aunt must have met some horrible fate from a stalker.I’m not sure exactly what happened, but it all makes sense, especially when I see the guilty look as he swipes his hand through his hair, then turns away from me.
Guilt. I know it well. I’ve harbored so much of it, blaming myself for what happened with William. I can’t let him drown in it.
“Max,” my voice is soft and reassuring. “I hate to put you out again, but I’ll do whatever you prefer—go to your apartment or stay here.” I worry my lip between my teeth, then release it. “I couldn’t tell Vanessa, but I really don’t want to be alone here…”
Spinning around, he grips my hands, his face apologetic. “I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t mean to be so harsh.” His eyes implore me to believe him. “I just don’t like the thought of you being here alone.” He swallows hard, lowering his gaze, his hands dropping mine and sliding into the front pockets of his jeans.
After several beats, his gaze finds mine, his tone low. “I heard a lot of the… incident… yesterday. As I was making my way toward the bookstore, I was on the sidewalk close to the building. As I hurried closer, I heard and saw…” He closes his eyes, shaking his head. After a few minutes, he opens his eyes, his gaze locking on mine. ”… more than I let on. I froze for a minute at the edge of the building, feeling scared for you. Momentarily helpless. I flashed back to an… um… incident… with my aunt. I was too young and weak to save her.” He drops his head, sadness emanating from his pores. Finally, he looks up. “But then I snapped back to reality, and I wasnotgoing to let him hurt you.” His jaw is set, his muscles tense as his gaze bores into mine.
Moving closer to him, I place my hand on his arm. “I’m sorry about your aunt.”
He nods, his muscles taut, as a veil drops over his face. He’s closed off, as though he doesn’t want to discuss it.
I hate seeing him this way. He is wallowing in his guilt. “You didn’t lethim hurt me. When you intervened and I locked eyes with you, I knew you’d protect me.” I pause, lowering my head, my hair falling over my face.
After a few beats, I raise my head and look at him. Something in his gaze implores me to keep talking. “I’ve never felt safer than when I’m withyou.”
His Adam’s apple bobs as his face softens completely. He moves into my personal space, his body so close to mine that the warmth emanating from his skin warms me. His blue eyes burn with conviction as he says, “I’ll keep you safe. I won’t let him hurt you.”
Looking into his eyes, I nod. “I believe you, Max.”
When he smiles, it’s as though the sun has come out from behind the clouds, enveloping me in his warmth.
Chapter fourteen
She’s trying to be strong, but I witnessed the tension in her body as we were leaving her apartment this morning. When she opened her front door, her eyes immediately dropped to the welcome mat on her porch. Her body sagged with relief when she realized there were no “gifts” left there.
When we pulled into the Maple Valley diner parking lot to eat breakfast, her eyes wandered around the lot. And when we walked into, her eyes scanned the dining room, her back ramrod straight. She finally relaxed once we were seated, finally convinced William wasn’t lurking around her.
Although I’m beside her and promised to protect her, she’s still scared. It fucking fractures my broken heart into tiny pieces.
Fear wells inside me, but I push it down.My concern for her is because of what happened to my aunt.Not because her hand fits so perfectly in mine. Nor is it because of how warm and soft she felt as she laid against my chest last night, or the slight purr of contentment as she snuggled into my embrace.
We pull into the commuter parking lot, and I cut the engine. Irelynn stares straight ahead, her chest rising and falling beneath her dress. She deliberately refrained from looking at the space where William was parked yesterday.
My hand wraps around hers, stopping her from fiddling with the hem of her dress. “It’s okay, Irelynn. You’re safe with me.”
Her head turns to mine, eyes softening. She stares at me for a few beats before a smile tugs at her lips. “I am safe with you.”
Our eyes remain locked together until I finally nod my head in the direction of the bookstore. “Guess we should face the madness.”
“Did you bring any armor? We might need it to battle the crowd of students inside,” she teases.
“Shit. I forgot it. But I threw your tennis racket in the back. Will that work?” I give her an amused grin and she scowls at me, then we both start laughing.
She moves to open the passenger door. “Wait.” I hold up my hand, stopping her. “Hasn’t anyone ever taught you that a man should open your door?” I don’t wait a response, hopping from my vehicle and running around to her side. Grabbing the door handle, I pull it open, extending my hand. “Please allow me to escort you to the bookstore.” I give her a slight bow.