Page 51 of Tremors of Desire
“Don’t talk to me,” I hiss, my fingers tightening around my glass, anger and fear warring for dominance inside me. His eyes narrow as he stares at me, intimidating me, and fear wins out. My lips and chin begin to tremble, my throat parched like I’m running through the desert.
Grabbing my glass of water, my hands shake as I raise it to my lips. My eyes cut to the window outside, averted from his penetrating gaze, as I take a long sip. When I set the glass on the table, my gaze roves to him. He’s still staring at me, eyebrows raised, a smirk pulling up his lips, aware that I’m intimidated.
Vanessa is watching my reaction, her face mottled with anger as she sees the effect he’s having on me. Whipping around to face him, her teeth are clenched as she says, “Asshole, you need to leave her the hell alone. Pretend she doesn’t exist.”
William slides his gaze to Vanessa, his eyes narrowing to crinkled slits. Scorn is on his face as his eyes travel up and down her, then flick away, dismissively, as though she’s nothing more than a bug on the windshield of his beamer.
His intense stare moves back to mine, scrutinizing my every move and reaction. It’s unnerving as hell, making me sweat, as I shift uncomfortably in the booth, nearly ready to ask Vanessa if she wants to leave before we even get our food.
My phone beeps, drawing my attention. It’s as though I know it’s Max before I look at the screen. Snatching my phone from the outside pocket of my purse, relief makes my shoulders sag as I see his name on my screen.
His timing is impeccable.
“Is it Max?” Vanessa asks, studying my face.
My head tilts up, a smile curving my lips. “Yes. He’s reminding me of his offer to meet me at the apartment and follow me to class or pick me up.”
Her lips pull up in a devilish smile. “Why don’t you text him back and tell him where we are, and that William just came in.”
“No, I can’t do that,” I hiss. “I don’t want to involve him any more than I already have.”
“I don’t think he’d mind. Not one bit.” Her eyes dance with amusement as she lifts her drink from the table, a smirk on her lips.
“Vanessa, you weren’t there to see Max intervene. It was intense. I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Swallowing, I glance over in William’s direction, but for once, his attention isn’t on me. Leaning forward, I hiss, “He was ready to pummel him. He even snatched him off his feet.”
A voice inside me clammers for attention, begging me to listen to Vanessa and tell Max that William is here.It’s not like you’re asking him, just informing him of the situation.
But then I deflate, thinking of him coming here solely because he feels obligated, rather than simply desiring to see me.
“Just humor me and do it.” She has a Cheshire smile on her face as if she already knows how this is going to unfold.
“Vanessa, I—”
She cuts me off. “Didn’t you tell me Max said he doesn’t make offers he doesn’t intend to honor? Well, you aren’t asking him to come here, you are just informing him what’s happening. If he offers, then you take him up on it.” Vanessa takes a long sip of water, then sets it down, a smirk on her face.
Exactly what I said, the voice in my head argues. Pushing it away, I glare at her. “You are such a pain in my ass.”
“I know. Now do it.” Vanessa smiles at me. Our waitress comes over with our food and sets the plates in front of us, then asks if she can get us anything else. We tell her no and she leaves.
“Fine.” I text Max, giving him an update. I set my phone on the table beside me and grab the syrup from the center of the table, my hands shaking as I pour a dollop onto my plate. Part of me thinks this is a terrible idea, while the other, much bigger part is desperate to see Max again.
As Vanessa takes a bite of her food, my phone beeps, indicating I have a text. “What did he say?”
“Couldn’t you have chewed and swallowed first?” I shake my head as my eyes scan the screen, reading his message.
“Well.” She drums her fingers on the table impatiently.
“Max wants to know if he can join us and if he can take me to class afterward.”
Vanessa laughs and says, “You better say yes to both. He’s offering, so none of that I-don’t- want-to-inconvenience-him bullshit that you do.”
I’m already texting him back, and for once, I listen to Vanessa. Finally, I set my phone back on the table.
“What took you so long?” Her brows are raised. “You had to text him more than ‘yes’ to his offers.”
“I asked if he wanted breakfast. It’s the least I can do for involving him in my drama.” I glance over at William, who looks over at me, a smile pulling his lips up. When I don’t return it, his face darkens, and I see a flash of hurt that is quickly replaced by simmering rage.
I quickly look at the table, feeling uncomfortable. Despite knowing William since I was a sophomore in high school, I’ve never been able to read him. There have been times he reminds me of a boy, desperate for love and approval, but it’s masked so quickly that I wonder if I’ve imagined it.