Page 64 of Tremors of Desire
“I just…” She blushes, her gaze dropping to her sandals. ”… wanted the chance to be alone with you a few minutes.” She drops her backpack on the ground and I do the same, setting mine beside hers.
She seems so nervous and I’m unsure why. Fear wells inside my chest.
Pushing a strand of hair away from her face, I stare at her intently. “Are you okay?”
“I’d be better if you were kissing me right now.” Her yearning burns in her chocolate orbs.
My muscles relax and I grin. “More than happy to oblige, beautiful.” Leaning my head toward hers, the moment my lips touch her soft, pillowy lips, I’m completely lost in her. My self-control snaps and I kiss her without abandon, consumed by her. The apple cinnamon smell wafts from her skin, drifting through my senses. The taste of her strawberry lip gloss on my mouth. The softness of her curves pressed against the ridges and planes of my hard body.
The gentle moan that comes from her when our lips join affects me on a primal level. Licking the seam of her lips, she opens it for me, and I gently taste the chocolate croissant and coffee on her tongue. My hand slides to the back of her neck, gripping it lightly as I devour her lips.
I’m not sure how much time passes when we finally come up for air, both of us breathing heavily. I rest my forehead against hers, the chemistry burning between us. My heart pounds in my chest like a freight train is barreling toward me and I’m tied to the train tracks. At the same time, it feels as though I’ve known her forever. The level of comfort I feel around her, I’ve never felt withanyonebefore.
“This is crazy,” Irelynn says with a soft grin.
“Completely crazy.” I echo her grin, watching her smile widen.
“Yet it feels… right.” Her hand moves to my face, tracing my jawline.
I turn into her hand, kissing it. “Nothing has ever felt so right before. I realize we’ve only just met, and yet…”
Her eyes are soft as I slide my knuckles over her cheek. “I completely agree. My life was good before, but now, it’s so much better.”
“So much better,” I echo, my voice gritty with emotion. The timer on my phone goes off and I groan, closing my eyes. “That means I need to walk you inside and get to class.”
She lets out a disappointed sigh. “Okay.” She slowly pulls away, her eyes going to the bulge in my jeans. “I’m sorry to leave you like… that.”
“It’s okay, beautiful.” I turn my head away from hers, trying to distract myself.
Grinning, she heads to her backpack, bending over and picking it up.
So much for my dick softening anytime soon.I groan. “Did you have to bend over in front of me?” I gesture toward the front of my jeans. “That didn’t help this go away.”
Her face flushes scarlet. “Too bad we have to go to class.”
I lean my head against the building, looking at the sky. “Irelynn… not helping.” My voice is raspy, want dripping from each syllable.
“Can I make it up to you later?” The seductive smile on her face nearly does me in.
“I’d like that.” Pushing a lock of hair behind her ear, I cup her chin. “But I don’t ever want you to feel pressured, okay?” I stroke the soft skin on her cheek. “I can wait, Irelynn.”
She blushes to the roots of her hair. “I’m not sure I can.” There’s a wry smile on her swollen lips.
Chuckling, I kiss her forehead. “Come on, beautiful. I need to get you to class before we are both late.” Pulling away, I grab my backpack and take her hand, walking her up the stairs. As I hold the door open for her, a figure steps out from behind the maple tree several yards away, drawing my attention.
William’s icy gaze bores into me, a menacing look on his face. Luckily, Irelynn has stepped inside Stevenson and doesn’t notice him.
I stare him down, my face full of warning. My muscles flex and I crack my knuckles. His face is full of rage, but he gets the message. Turning, he stalks away.
Hurrying behind Irelynn, I wrap my arm around her, leaning down and kissing her cheek as we walk down the hallway. Her eyes sparkle as she looks up at me. I don’t say a word about seeing William, not wanting to spoil her good mood.
I hate the thought of leaving her, knowing that jackass is nearby. There’s no way I can reasonably stay with her without raising her suspicion and causing me to miss my class. Anxiety swirls inside me, but I do my best to tamper it down. He can’t get to her while she’s sitting in a classroom full of people.
After bidding Irelynn farewell, I turn, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jeans, exiting Stevenson. Sucking in a deep breath, I breathe in the humid August air, but it does little to quell my anxiety as I think about the class I’m heading to.
The one that is likely to trigger horrific memories of my past. The course is Treatment of Addiction in the Criminal Justice System. It was the last course I enrolled in this semester.
The smell of industrial cleaner and fresh paint mingle as I walk inside Cooper Hall. My gaze roves over the numbers beside each door until I locate my classroom. Pausing, I take a deep breath, then step inside, scanning the rows of desks and chairs to find an empty seat. Sweat beads on my neck, trailing down the back of my shirt, despite the air conditioning cooling the room.