Page 71 of Tremors of Desire
He pulls his phone from his pocket, turning it off, disappointment on his face. When his eyes meet mine, he gives me an apologetic grin. “That’s my cue to leave for work.”
Trying to hide my disappointment, I lean on my tiptoes, gently kissing his lips. Lowering to my heels, I squeeze his hand. “I’ll walk you out. And the good news is…” I pull my phone from the back pocket of my capri pants, looking at the time. “I’ll see you in less than two and a half hours.”
Following behind him, Max moves to the door. “Bye, Vanessa.”
“Bye, Max. Thanks for staying with Irelynn this afternoon.” I swear there is a smirk on her face as she says those words, but since she doesn’t say anything else, I leave it alone.
His gaze locks on mine. “The pleasure was all mine.”
Leaning against him, I bury my face in his shirt, trying to stifle my giggle. He rubs my back gently and I feel his smile against my hair. Pulling back, he opens the door and I step outside, closing the door.
Walking hand in hand to his vehicle, my gaze flits around, admiring the way the late afternoon shadows fall across the ground. We still have hours of daylight left, but the scent of autumn is in the air, reminding me that soon, darkness will settle in earlier.
Max catches me looking around, his voice drawing my attention back to him. “Are you concerned about William?”
My gaze shifts to his. “No, actually, I hadn’t given him a thought, which is surprising. I was thinking about the summer ending and fall arriving soon. While it’s my favorite time of year, I don’t relish it getting darker earlier.”
Max nods. “Same. And now I’m feeling bad for bringing him up.” He gives me a sheepish grin.
I squeeze his hand. “You’re good. I don’t see anything to indicate he’s around. Do you?”
“Nope.” He squeezes my hand reassuringly. “And let’s hope it stays that way.”
“Indeed.” Stopping by his driver’s door, sadness fills me as he unlocks it and hops inside, my chin tipping to my chest. It’s so stupid because I know I’ll see him soon.
What the hell is wrong with me? I’m not a needy person.
“Come here, gorgeous.” My head lifts and I smile, reading the look on his face. I hurry into his open arms, wrapping my arms around him as he pulls me tightly against him. I breathe him in, his scent calming me, releasing the tension from my body.
“I’ll be back soon.” He pulls back, his eyes soft. “And yes, I’m sad to be leaving you.”
A small grin curls my lips up. “So ridiculous to feel this way, huh?”
His grin matches mine as he slides a hand through my hair. “Probably. Yet it’s how I feel.”
“At least I’m not alone in feeling this way.” I give him a quick kiss. “I better let you go before I make you late. Then I’ll feel guilty…”
“Yeah, I better go before Darin gives me shit. Have fun with Vanessa.”
“I’m taking her ass for a run. We haven’t run together since May. While she was sitting on her ass on a lifeguard chair, I ran daily.” My eyes twinkle. “I can’t wait to torture her.”
Max laughs. “You and I will have to go for a run soon.”
An idea springs to mind. “How about this? If you don’t have plans on Friday, we can go for a run. There’s a trail in the woods back there.” I lean closer. “Whoever does the loop the fastest wins. And if I beat you…” I hold out my hand. “You have to tell me your middle name.”
“I can live with that.” His hand closes around mine. “Be prepared to lose, beautiful.” A competitive glimmer is in his blue irises.
Determination fills me. “Game on, handsome. Be prepared to tell me your middle name.”
Chapter twenty-six
Closing the front door, my back presses against it, my face tilting to the ceiling, a blissful smile stretching my lips up.
A long, content sigh escapes me as I push off the door, facing Vanessa, who stares at me with amusement all over her face, her eyebrows raised.