Page 95 of Tremors of Desire
Since the run with Max in the woods, I’ve spotted William sporadically. A few times when Max and I have been on dates together and a couple of double dates with Darin and Vanessa. He’s kept his distance, but Max has noticed him every single time, and his muscles tense, his fists clench, and his eyes flash with fury. So far, I’ve managed to keep him from going after William, pleading with Max that as long as William is keeping his distance and simply glaring at us, what harm is he doing? Max has given into my pleas, only because he adores me and gives me what I want to make me happy.
But the tension between the two of them, combined with my terror that William may end up breaking his end of the deal, makes me sweat copious amounts. My body tremors as fear crawls up my spine and grips me tightly, refusing to leave, making me so dizzy I see black spots. Max has noticed and believes it’s based on my terror from what William did before classes started.
I know I’m a hypocrite, wanting to know about Max’s past, yet I haven’t told Max the full story of William and me. Eventually, I will need to do so. For now, I’d rather enjoy every blissful moment we share.
I’ve seen William several times when I’ve been with Vanessa. She bitches that I should report him for stalking, but I’ve convinced her that although William has been around, he hasn’t made any attempts to contact me and has been leaving me alone. She’s skeptical and looks at me with disapproval, eyebrows raised, but drops it.
She has every reason to be doubtful, since I’m withholding information from her. I’ve never told her I went for a run by myself in the woods and ended up making a deal with the villain. How can I tell her that reporting him for stalking could end her life?
I’m outright lying to her about William leaving me alone. I’ve received messages from him on Instagram and Messenger, reminding me of my deal with him. I respond to tell him I’m doing as I promised and he damn well better keep his end of the deal.
William has also left notes and roses for me on my vehicle, on my backpack, and on my porch. I’ve managed to get them before Vanessa or Max discovered them. It has been chilling to go to the restroom, then walk into the classroom to find a rose and a note on my backpack. I’ve started taking my backpack with me. It’s creepy as hell and gives me a sense that he’s always watching me, even when I think he’s not.
My guilt over not being completely honest with Max about William has the added complication of keeping me from pressing Max about his past—and the scars blemishing his torso. Every time I look at them, my heart aches as I imagine different scenarios for how he could have gotten them. Max doesn’t like me looking at them, and it’s even worse when I lightly trace my fingers over them. He tenses, pulling his body away from me. His reaction only enhances my curiosity.
I wish I could go back to my junior year of high school and never set foot in William Anderson’s mansion. The horrific night where I lost my innocence in a myriad of ways.
Pulling myself from my thoughts, I’m relieved when class ends. As I pack up my stuff, I turn my head, looking out the door and into Max’s clear blue eyes. The odd mix of comfort and excitement that rolls through my body never fades.
Hitching my backpack over my shoulders, I head down the aisle between the desks, impatiently waiting for the two girls in front of me to move faster so I can see my guy.
“Hey baby,” I greet him when I finally step through the classroom door.
“Hey beautiful.” He gives me a quick kiss, then grabs my hand, leading me through the crowded hallway of Stevenson. We smile and greet several friends before we reach the doors, stepping into the brisk autumn air.
“I hope this doesn’t sound too cheesy to you, but there’s a pumpkin patch and hayride that Vanessa and I saw online. We are hoping we can convince you and Darin to go.”
Max grins and laughs. “Baby, you know I’d do anything for you. I’m sure we can make it fun.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively.
“There will be kids there.” I shake my head, eyebrows raised.
Max laughs harder. “It’s not like I’d fuck you in front of them. Give me credit for being more discreet than that.”
“Really?” My brows shoot up, my face skeptical. “Are you forgetting the library? We nearly got caught by that grumpy librarian, who still looks at me suspiciously.”
“First, that was your idea. You wore the short skirt with your ass nearly hanging out, then wanted to blow me under the table. Second, did you really expect me to resist you when you started rubbing your ass against my dick while I was innocently standing there, skimming through that book?”
A burst of laughter leaves my lips. “That’s not entirely how it happened. You put those glasses on that made you look like a sexy librarian. I don’t even know where you got those things. You don’t wear glasses. Regardless, you looked damn hot, and you knew that would get me worked up. Did you really expect me to resist you?”
He waggles his eyebrows up and down as we head toward his Jeep. “Hell no, baby. And don’t act innocent. When you bent over in front of me, you knew I’d shove my cock inside your wet pussy and fuck you until you came all over me.” He throws his arm across my shoulders, his mouth lowering to my ear. “I wasn’t sure my hand over your mouth was enough to muffle your scream, though. Grumpy librarian lady probably heard you, as did anyone else who was near those bookcases.”
My face is scarlet as I duck my head against the side of his chest. “God, I’m so embarrassed. And horny as hell.”
Max spins my back against the side of his Jeep, his lips hovering near mine, his eyes darkening from desire. “Put that skirt on when we get to your apartment. I still have those glasses.”
Fuck. I’m instantly wet as I think about it. “Don’t you have to go to work?” My hands grip his waist, pulling him tighter against me.
His hand goes through my hair to the back of my neck, his lips trailing over my jawline to my neck. “Uh-huh. But I know that pussy is soaked for me and I can make you come in less than five minutes.” He pulls away from the thundering pulse at my neck, his eyes locking on mine. “We have time.” Grabbing my hand, he pulls me away from the door, then opens it for me, squeezing my ass before I hop in.
Damn, he’s right. I am soaked and want him inside me right fucking now.I squirm in my seat, desire coursing through me as I watch him round the front of his vehicle, then hop in beside me. The scent of his cologne fills the vehicle and I inhale, breathing him in.
As he backs out of the parking space, his hand moves to my leg. I suck in a breath, wishing I had a skirt on now. Or that I could tug my pants to the floor.
Max grins at me, his sexy smirk so seductive, his eyes full of promise. Although I can’t get enough of him physically, it’s that look in his eyes and on his face that makes my heart race and flutter inside my chest. A look that says I’m everything to him.
He’s every damn thing to me. He makes my world a better place, encouraging and supporting my dreams. He’s become my best friend, confidant, and lover.
I’m damned lucky.