Page 1 of Only For Him
Vic looked out over the crowd gathered at Fredrick Mahler’s house and wondered how long he had to stay. Typically, he’d be atCapital Punishment, the BDSM club he owned, but he couldn’t help but attend the party. It had nothing to do with Mahler being a managing partner in his firm.
She was becoming an obsession he couldn’t seem to control. For a man like Vic, it wasn’t something he liked. He could have easily gone to the club and found a willing sub for the night, but he knew from experience he wouldn’t enjoy it. He’d been going through the motions because of the woman in question.
She was on the opposite side of the room, trying to avoid talking to anyone. She’s been holding the glass of champagne for at least twenty minutes and barely drank from it.
It had been an odd experience watching her tonight. Usually, the tall brunette—at least that was her hair color at the moment—was so active. She always seemed to be in motion. She’d dressed for the party. The bright red dress barely covered the most important parts…parts Vic wanted to touch. But she seemed so solemn. Not at all the Addison he knew.
“There you are, Vic,” Mahler said as he slapped him on the shoulder. Nothing like getting caught by the object of your lust’s father. Vic sighed inwardly and reminded himself to keep his mind on more important matters.
“Good evening, sir.”
“Oh, there’s no sir tonight.”
Vic glanced at the man he thought of as a mentor and noticed the frown. Vic followed his line of vision and realized he was worried about Addy.
“It’s hard on her this time of year.”
“I would think a woman like Addy would love this time of year.”
“She used to. Oh, lord, she used to drive us crazy about Christmas and New Year’s Day, but we’ve too much lost the last few years. She misses Marjorie.”
Vic nodded and studied his boss. A former Attorney General, now constitutional law expert, and one mean son of a bitch to face in the courtroom. But at the moment, he looked like a man who had lost so much.
He must have felt Vic’s study because he looked at him with a sad smile. “We lost Marjorie on New Year’s Eve. She didn’t want to die before Christmas, but in a way, losing her to cancer like that brings back too many memories for Addy.”
“They were close?”
He nodded. “Yes. God, they were two sides of the same coin, those two. Margie was a free spirit. Kind of kept me on my toes.” He sighed. “Then, we were in the middle of New Year’s dinner when the news came about Drew.”
Vic didn’t have to ask if she had been close to Drew, the brother she lost to a drunk driver. He’d been her twin.
Vic glanced over the crowd and saw some pretty boy making a beeline for her.
“You better get over there if you want to get a dance from her. She’s about to bail if I’m reading her right. And I usually am.”
Vic paused and turned to study his mentor. A knowing look in Mahler’s eyes told Vic he knew of his attraction. Vic shook his head and smiled.
“I don’t know if she will ever give in, Vic. Know this, though, if you go after my girl, don’t hurt her. I know how to make bodies disappear.”
Then, as if he hadn’t just threatened a junior partner, Mahler smiled at him, punched his shoulder, and walked away whistling.
Vic shook his head and turned to find Addy again in the crowd. She was in the same spot frowning at the man trying to get her to dance. He set down his drink and headed over to her.
Addy’s facehurt from smiling. She hated this time of year, especially New Year’s Eve. In the back of her mind, she regretted not going to Hawaii as Amanda had suggested. The idea of warm sand, cool drinks, and time with her bestie had tempted her. The itching to get away from DC and the memories this time of year brought on had almost overwhelmed her. But…she couldn’t leave her father alone. He held this party and pretended everything was okay, but it was just as hard on him as it was on her.
With a sigh, she sipped her warm champagne and made a face. She’d been holding the damned glass for so long she’d almost forgotten about it.
“Addy, babe, I can’t believe you came stag,” a voice said from behind her. She made another face before turning and acknowledging Trevor Thompson.
He hadn’t changed a bit from their time in high school. She’d never liked the butthead. He was rude and a bully. Plus, he had Ken hair. It looked plastic, as it never moved. How did he do that?
“I don’t think I gave you permission to call me, babe.”
He frowned as if he were confused. Maybe she used words he didn’t understand. Think was probably a word that puzzled the idiot.