Page 22 of Only For Him
Before she could deny it again, the antique bell chimed as the door opened, bringing a rush of brutal January air.
“Oh, mama,” Lindsey said. With a sigh, Addy looked over and found Vic making his way through the shop. He should have looked out of place walking through it, the big, beautiful man surrounded by blooms, but he didn’t. No matter where Vic was, he fit in.
“What the hell is he doing here?” she muttered mostly to herself.
“Do you mean you know him?”
She did know him in the biblical sense, but at that moment, she realized she didn’t really know him. Not past the good looks and shiny suit. And sadly, she wanted to know him. She had seen him laugh Sunday morning.
“Yeah. He works with my dad.”
“And you’ve slept with him.”
She gave the younger woman a nasty look.
But the smile on her face told Addy she wasn’t sorry at all. Addy couldn’t really blame her, though. It was how Vic looked at her as he approached the counter. The man looked like he knew what she looked like with her clothes off.
And, of course, he did.
Just that one word, her name, but his voice rolling over the syllables had her squirming on the chair.
His mouth curved, and she wanted to kiss him. Like now. Everywhere.
She was about to open her mouth and tell him to go away, but Lindsey cleared her throat.
Addy sighed. “Vic, this is Lindsey, my assistant. Linds, this is Vic.”
She gave Vic a huge smile, her blue eyes sparkling. “So, you’re who she disappeared with on New Year’s Eve.”
He leaned closer to Linds, and it took every bit of her control not to step between them.
“I never kiss and tell.”
Linds giggled. “Oh, my, you will definitely do. I need a break, boss.”
Then she just disappeared as if she had a right to. Of course, it wasn’t a problem with the day they had been having. They didn’t have a wedding for another ten days, and the shop was all in order. With the rolling snowstorms hitting the city, not to mention the damned fronts filled with freezing air, no one was hitting the shop that much.
“Kind of a slow day.”
She nodded, not sure what to say. It had been over a week since she had seen him, and sadly, she missed him. It had only been a few days, but she had.
“I decided to stop by and see if you wanted to do dinner.”
“I haven’t decided.” The moment she said it, she knew it had been another mistake. She should have said no and ended it. No matter how often her mind told her to refuse him her submission, she hadn’t done it.
He chuckled. “I realized that, Addison, but I also know that you barely know me.”
Dammit, it was like he could read her thoughts. Which made him something more than an average guy.
“Dinner? Nothing else?”
“There can’t be unless you decide.”