Page 49 of Only For Him
She nodded. Vic helped her up out of bed, then to the bathroom. He set the bag on the counter and stared at her.
He shook his head. “Nothing.”
He turned and shut the door.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to help.”
“I can handle it myself, Vic.”
He opened his mouth, but she stopped him.
“I’m not seeing double, and the dizzy spells are gone. My head hurts, but that’s about it.”
He hesitated, then stepped forward to wrap his arms around her. And she could admit she was weak because the warmth of his body surrounded her and sent need coursing through her. What kind of loser was she that she was ready to forget everything that had happened. He had broken her heart, leaving her battered and bleeding. Yes, he did it for a good reason, but it was stupid, and what’s to say that if another threat arose, he wouldn’t dump her again.
“I’ll be right outside,” he said, pulling back from her. She looked at him, really looked at him. He looked exhausted, worn out as if he had been through hell.
Welcome to the party, pal.
He studied her for a long moment, and she nodded. After giving her a chaste kiss on her head, he stepped back from her.
Once alone, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was a mess, with a split lip and a nasty bruise on her forehead. She was paler than usual. And she was tired. So damned tired. And she didn’t even know what she wanted from Vic.
Was it over? Was he just here to try and assuage his guilt? Did she want to take another chance on the man who had already broken her heart?
Tears filled her eyes as everything overwhelmed her. The breakup, the abduction, Vic now taking care of her. She just wanted to sleep and forget about the world for a week.
It took her a minute or two to calm her tears. After splashing some cold water on her face, she took off her hospital gown and slipped on the extra soft nightshirt, sighing at the comfort she found in it.
She hesitated, pulling in a deep breath, then releasing it. When she felt confident enough, she opened the door. Vic was alone, sitting in the same chair he had been in earlier.
“Justin’s gone?”
He nodded and rose to walk around the bed. “Come on, get in bed.”
Even though having his arm wrapped around her felt right, she said, “I don’t take orders from you.”
“You like taking orders from me.”
His voice dipped over the words, sexiness oozing from every syllable. She looked up at him.
“Don’t. Not now.”
Regret filled his expression as his smile faded. He nodded.
He helped her to the bed, although she didn’t need it. Once she was settled, he kissed her forehead once more. “Rest. They want to wake you in a little bit, so get all the rest you can.”
That was one order she was okay with following, so she did, drifting off to sleep.
“Iwant you to take it easy,” Dr. Brown told Addison. Her expression told Vic she disagreed with the doctor, but she was smart enough not to disagree with him.
“Of course,” she said, smiling. This doctor fell for it because he saw a beautiful young woman smiling at him. It was the smile that she used to blow people off. Anger coursed through Vic, and he knew it was irrational, but she had yet to smile at him—fake or real. And he knew the doctor, who talked of his husband and how they were going on vacation for their anniversary, had no interest in Addison.