Page 127 of Does It Hurt?
I’m fully prepared to spend the rest of the night in here, but my stomach growls, and I can smell food cooking downstairs.
It wouldn’t kill me if I skipped one meal in place of enduring Enzo’s presence for even a second, but I realize that it’s not very smart. My safety isn’t guaranteed, and I will need all the energy I can get. Especially if being kept awake by a spirit throwing a very loud temper tantrum outside the door is going to become a common occurrence.
Sighing, I trudge down the steps, replaying Enzo’s nasty words in my head on repeat.
That’s not what I want to see.
Sure, we both had an extremely eventful, shitty night and are sleep-deprived, but how could he suddenly switch up on me? After he got down on his fucking knees and asked for my forgiveness for that very thing?
Even when he openly hated me, he never made me feel so… ugly. So undesirable.
If he were Kev, I would kill for him to look at me that way. To be treated like I’m no more desirable than enduring a vasectomy without anesthesia.
Anger renewed, I refuse to look at Enzo and take a seat at the dinner table, glaring at the wood like it’s the culprit for the deep ache in my chest.
After a few moments, I see Enzo approach me from my peripheral, and my muscles return to survival mode, tensing as he nears.
“Eat,” he orders sharply, nearly tossing the bowl of soup on the table. It slides and knocks against my chest, the burning liquid sloshing onto my skin.
I grimace from the sting and push it away from me, not sure I can eat anymore. My eyes gravitate toward my body, the insecurity rising and singeing my throat.
When I glance back up, he’s staring at me with a stoic look on his face, the muscle in his jaw pulsating as he grinds his teeth.
“I’m not hungry,” I whisper.
He drops his head, and a flush crawls up my throat when I hear him laugh, the sound lacking humor. Sick with embarrassment, I stand so quickly that the chair tips over. His head snaps up right as I turn to bolt. Tears are welling in my eyes again, and I’m so fucking tired of crying.
I only manage a step before he’s lunging across the table and fisting my hair. In one powerful yank, I fly backward, landing painfully on the wooden table with a yelp.
I’m frozen with shock as I try to process what the hell just happened. The only thing I’m capable of is to stare at him with absolute astonishment, my eyes rounded and mouth parted. Even upside down, he looks terrifying.
“Tell me,bella ladra, am I so unforgettable that you’ve failed to remember how deeply my cock has filled you? Or did you hit your head and lose your fucking mind?”
I shake my head, speechless and unable to understand what the fuck that even means.
“Whatever you thought I meant, you’re wrong,” he says, understanding that his earlier words hurt me.
I blink. “You said—”
“I know what the fuck I said, Sawyer.”
“Then why did you say it?” I snap, the anger finally re-emerging.
He leans down, the storm raging in his eyes fiercer than the one that got us in this stupid situation.
“Because it pisses me off that I want you as badly as I do,” he growls, his voice deepened with a darkness only found in the depths of the sea.
His hand curls tighter into my hair, and sharp pinpricks pierce against my scalp. I cry out, my back arching and nails clawing at his arm in a desperate attempt to relieve the pain.
Ignoring my struggles, his eyes rake down my body, a volcano erupting in the ocean in his eyes. “I can’t stand to look at you.Not because I don’t like what I see, Sawyer. It’s because I fucking hate how it makes me feel.”
He drags me across the table and spins me around until I’m facing him, wringing a gasp from my throat as he forces me into an upright position. I’m reeling and disoriented, so I can only gape at him when he shoves himself between my knees.
I’m trying to make sense of what he’s saying, but I’m hypnotized by the lightning in his hazel eyes and the severe expression on his face.
“I don’t understand what happened today. You said you wouldn’t be cruel anymore.”
He reaches behind his back for something and then produces a thin, gold card.