Page 131 of Does It Hurt?
I let him see that he’s worth staying for.
“Mostrami come amarti,” he voices, so deep and alluring that it sends chills down my spine. I don’t know what it means, but it sounds beautiful and heartbreaking.
His pace grows rougher, quicker, and his stare blazes brighter. Sweat coats our bodies, and each brush of skin is like kindling in a fire, bringing us closer to combustion.
The bowl of soup crashes to the ground, and one side of the table slips off the carpet, the legs screeching against the wood with each thrust, making it harder and harder to keep quiet.
He feels too good, and his cock is hitting a place inside me that has my eyes rolling. My head drops back, a sob bursting from my throat. I can feel my heart falling victim, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
His teeth scrape against my neck a moment before he bites down on the flesh below my ear. I shudder as he sucks, heightening the euphoria.
I’m so close to shattering. And I’m scared for him to see those jagged pieces and decide they’re not worth bleeding for.
“Enzo,” I cry, the sound a coalescence of pain and pleasure.
“That’s it,” he breathes, nipping at my throat again. “That’s how I want you to use my name.”
He drops his hand from my nape and slides it between our bodies. It takes only a few strokes of his finger over my clit to ignite the fuse.
I detonate, my legs whipping around his hips and squeezing him so tightly, he can barely retreat an inch.
A growl rumbles through his chest, but I can’t feel a thing past the string of explosions letting off inside me.
Distantly, I feel him lift me up as he crawls onto the table again, allowing him the angle he needs to continue driving into me.
I cling to him, but he’s grabbing my wrists and forcing them above my head. My back arches as wave after wave continues to roll through me.
I can’t take any more, but he doesn’t relent, strumming my clit until the wave rolls back, just for another orgasm to crash into me.
There’s a scream piercing the air, but it’s swallowed by Enzo’s lips. He moves his hand out from between us and grabs ahold of my hip. And then he’s stilling, a savage growl reverberating throughout my throat as he reaches his own decimation.
His grip on my wrists and hip turn bruising, but I hardly notice as he mindlessly slams into me, spilling inside me as he does.
I’m not sure how much time passes before we both go boneless. He manages to catch his weight before he crushes me, but I don’t think I’d even mind. I already feel like my soul is only holding on to its vessel purely out of pity.
Just as he goes to sit up, there’s a loud groan, followed by acrack, and then I’m suddenly weightless.
This time when I scream, it’s from fright as the table completely collapses beneath us. It happens too fast for either of us to properly react. The landing knocks the breath from my lungs, while Enzo spits out a curse.
We just stare at each other, wide-eyed and in shock. And then a choked laugh escapes me.
We broke the fucking table. Like… Humpty Dumpty bad. There’s no putting it back together.
Enzo’s chin drops, and he lets out a slow breath. I’m full-out cackling now, and his shoulders are shaking with mirth. When he lifts his head, the most beautiful smile is spread across his face, and it feels like my heart skids and crashes as hard as this table just did. It lights up his entire face, and his hazel eyes gleam as he stares at me with affection.
“Why did you kiss me?” I wonder aloud, enraptured by how fucking radiant he is when he’s happy.
His smile drops, but the intensity in his stare only brightens. He hovers over me, planting his hands on either side of my head and caging me in.
This… this is the only cage I want to be in.
“There’s a place in the ocean, so deep, where not a single point of light penetrates through it. And for so long, I’ve been trapped there, unable to breathe. When I met you, you lifted me out of that darkness, and it was the first time I came up for air. You’ve become my oxygen,bella ladra,and I can no longer breathe without you.”
My heart bursts from my chest, and now it feels likeIcan’t breathe. I’ve never wanted someone to love me, but I do now. God, do I want him to love me.
“Beautiful thief,” I murmur, recalling what his nickname means. “That’s not who I am anymore.”
He studies me closely, that affection still present as he leans closer, brushing his nose against mine while a grin pulls his lips up once more.