Page 54 of Does It Hurt?
“Shutup,” I hiss, my cheeks burning hot, jabbing my elbow into his rock-hard stomach before reaching for the door again.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he growls.
“Are you planning on staying in here forever?” I snap back.
If he thinks I'm going to stick around after that, then he really can suck my toe. I can deduce that he was distracting me from my very apparent panic attack, but now I feel cheap and regret it already.
Now, he's just being cruel.
Tension rolls off him in waves, so I rip my arm from his grip.
Sylvester is still snoring away while I carefully slide open the closet door, so desperate to get away that my hands shake.
Slowly, I slip out from the little black hole Enzo sucked me into and hurriedly tiptoe toward the bedroom door. Enzo follows close behind, ensuring to shut the closet before slipping out of the room behind me.
Instead of heading toward our room, I beeline down the hallway. I need to get away from him before I do something stupid and try to earn his forgiveness.
He may not have deserved what I did to him, but that doesn't mean he deserves my body.
Now, if only I could just stop fucking giving it to him.
Chapter 12
Do you think anyone is ever going to love you, pipsqueak? I'm the only one that does.
But not if you're going to be a whore. No one can love a whore.
I squeeze my eyes shut, then proceed to trip over a rock.
“Fuck!” I shout. It’s stupid to come out here barefoot on injured feet, but I don’t care right now. I just need to get the fuck away.
I want to hear what it sounds like when you’re breaking and can’t scream.
“Shut up,” I mutter through gritted teeth. “Both of you, shutup.”
You're so easy to break.
Blood is pooling in my head from shame and embarrassment, and beneath the hot sun, I'm confident a plane could see my tomato-red face clear as day from ten thousand feet above.
Who needs a goddamn radio when my hatred for men could signal an alien race from an entire galaxy away?
I'm storming from the lighthouse, perspiration forming along my hairline and the back of my neck. I've no idea where I'm going, but I don't care as long as it's far from that place—far fromhim. Yet, I'm never left alone anyway. I've been running for six years, and I've never been able to escape Kev.
There's no hope of escaping Enzo, either. His cruel words, his wicked tongue, and his sinister intentions.
And I have a terrible feeling that even when I do slip between his fingers, he'll follow me wherever I go. Just like Kev, he'll fucking plague me and won't stop until I'm exactly where he wants me.
I climb over a few rocks, growling more insults toward both men, when I find a massive stone mound, my words trailing off. Something about it seems a little peculiar to be more than just a cliff, so I deftly amble toward it, attempting to be cautious of the sharp rocks.
As I get closer, I notice an opening in the boulder, a black abyss beyond it.
It’s a cave.
My heart thunders, but I’m not sure if it’s from exertion, excitement, or trepidation. Hesitantly, I approach the mouth of the cave, straining my ears to listen for wild creatures.
This doesn’t seem like the type of place for any kind of animal to thrive. But I’ve seen one too many B-rated horror flicks with monsters that do just fine in these conditions.