Page 33 of Sing Me a Song
"She would’ve been accepted with highest regard." Hail mumbles and I nod my agreement.
She would’ve been and that's why they chose her. I pick her up gently in my arms and nod to Torrent to start the next part of the night, I'm glad she'll be asleep.
The sheep are the most relaxed if they don't notice the blade coming towards their throats.
"This is a week-long celebration for our group's leader." Torrent’s voice hums over the mic. "Tonight, marks the beginning of our cleansing."
The girls begin to mumble and chat amongst themselves, a rippling effect going around the room in a wave. I am sitting in the center between Squall and Hail while Torrent continues to talk about the importance of giving back to the one that provides.
The double doors open and in walks Magister Markus. He’s one of the top leaders for the New York group. Tonight, is his night to watch his pick for Squall and dance in the aftermath.
Torrent drops the mic and gives a brief nod to Squall, who rises out of his seat. He goes towards the lady he gave his knife to and drags her in for a long sensual kiss. She visibly relaxes in his arms and he slowly walks her back towards the stage. He releases her from his hold and smiles wide.
"Dance for us tonight, sweetheart?" He asks her, running his thumb along her bottom lip.
Hail gets up and begins to usher the other girls out of the room, telling them this is a private show, and to get some much-needed rest for tomorrow. A few protest, wanting to continue their drinking but he's quick to shoot them down and telling them to party in their own rooms.
"Tell us your name." He asks her.
"They call me Star..."
"No," Squall cuts her off. "Your real name."
"Shannon." She whispers.
I chance a look at Markus and watch as his attention is rapt on this Shannon he chose for our first night.
"Thank you for your time." Squall kisses her cheek and waves towards the small stage. "Please, if you will."
Shannon is a bigger girl, but her body is beautiful, and proportionately perfect. Her full hips swing in tune with the music and I begin to grow hard watching how she works her body. Her long black hair reminds me of my demon and now I'm rock hard, aching for release.
Her shirt comes off and is thrown to the side as she turns to face us, her hands inadequately holding her breasts' fullness. She gyrates her hips from left to right and I watch Squall bite his fist, the lust evident in his gaze. He stands up and walks to her, his arms outstretched.
"Can I dance with you, Shannon?" He asks. "Can I help you fly?"
Her brow crinkles in slight confusion but after a beat she nods her approval. That's all Markus needs, for them to agree to be our sacrifice, and to accept their fate.
Squall goes to stand behind her and grabs onto her hips, swinging with her softly. His left hand skims up her torso and over her gorgeous tits, stopping as he clenches it around her throat.
Markus walks to the front of the stage, staring up at them, and waiting for the spray of blood to coat his skin.
“Thank you for your sacrifice, Shannon.” Markus says with an evil grin.
Squall quickly turns Shannon around to face him and I storm to Markus’ back, the glint of my blade reflecting the light. Then I slam it through his back into the heart, his mouth opening in a silent scream.
"Thank you for your sacrifice, Markus." Squall says, his eyes closing.
"Thank you for your sacrifice, Markus." The rest of us repeat as he slumps to the ground.
Squall keeps Shannon’s face buried into his chest and ushers her out the door. We will have her off the island and thirty grand richer, that NDA firm in keeping her mouth shut.
I pull the blade from Markus’ heart and roll him onto his back, those dead unseeing eyes peering to the sky. We bow our heads and I imagine him burning in a never-ending inferno.
Squall is once again back at our sides as we breathe in the bliss of our cleansing.
"Come brothers," Squall claps his hands and that wicked smile plays on his lips. "Let’s celebrate his sacrifice for us and watch as all our dreams come true."
They all stand as I bury the blade into Markus’ chest, cutting through the ribcage, and locating the heart underneath. My arms are coated in blood up to my elbows as I open his chest cavity and rip out his heart.