Page 35 of Sing Me a Song
I walk into the dining area and the girls are sitting around the table quietly, completely different from yesterday. I take a seat beside Sky and look around at them.
"What's going on?" I lean in and whisper to Sky.
"One of the girls was sent home early this morning, she was caught looking through one of the guys' rooms." She sips her coffee. "Probably looking for money."
"What?" I snort. "Is our payment not enough for her?"
"I guess not."
Something doesn't feel right and when I look around, I notice the girl that's missing is Squall's choice. The feeling only intensifies when I remember Raiden and his blood covered body in my bed early this morning.
What exactly is the punishment for theft around here?
Chapter Nineteen
She felt like the cleansing rain after a drought.
It’s fucking with my head because I can feel myself weakening and this must be my life’s test. The one thing that will take me to my knees and I’ll need to rip myself apart to let her go.
“Brother,” Torrent’s voice breaks the silence. “Talk to me.”
“I fucked her.”
“Is it my turn next?” He snickers and I have to breathe to control the wave of anger at his words. “Nevermind.” He chuckles.
“Maybe she should just go home now.” I grumble.
“I don’t think you’re done with her just yet.” His face becomes serious. “Besides, Kenny would be more than suspicious.”
I’m not done with her yet.
“Stick to the plan,” he placates as he lights the joint in his hands. “It’ll all make sense when it comes together.”
“Hail is the same.” I say quietly and Torrent snickers.
“Hail has been in love with that girl from the first moment he laid eyes on her.”
“I’m not in love.” I protest.
“I know, brother. But you are attached.”
He’s right, I am attached and the lesson in the end will be worth the pain of the teaching.
The girls are rowdier tonight than usual.
They’re having body shots and even the guys are participating, snorting coke off their tits. I just can’t seem to find the energy to join in and Demon seems to be feeling the same. Sure, she’s had a few shots and I saw her bump back a few lines, but she’s subdued. I’ve seen her subtle glances my way and after this morning, she probably has a few questions. Not that she would get any answers.
After the contentment of our sacrifice last night, I just found myself standing in her room and watching her sleep. So, I gave in and laid with her.
This morning when we fucked, she tried to kiss me, and I almost gave in. I almost opened myself up and let her suck out my soul, like the demon she is. I won’t slip again.
“You need to let loose,” Hail says as he falls into the seat beside me.
“You love her.” I nod towards the beautiful woman with the long braids.
“I don’t know love, Raiden.” He shakes his head. “But she has a grip on me and I can’t shake it.”