Page 41 of Sing Me a Song
“How mad would Kenny be if we killed his pick for you, too?” Karen laughs and looks at me.
"I'm going to take her and we're leaving." Tempest’s voice shakes with anger, "because let me tell you, as soon as you send us to your devil, I will make my way back to fuck you all up."
I don't take her threat lightly and I can see the others are shocked in their places, too. I can't help but look at her and feel pride, she's so fucking strong. It's just a damn shame she must watch us do something horrible.
"Tie them up." I tell Torrent and then to Squall, "send everyone else home."
Torrent grabs them both, even struggling, they can't get out of his grasp, and my demon is cursing me to hell. Little does she know we’re all already living in it.
Karen’s eyes are sealed to the girls and their distraught, she doesn’t even see me or my blade before I plunge it through the side of her throat.
“Thank you for your sacrifice, Karen!” Torrent exclaims as the girls begin to scream.
Torrent drags them out of the room and Squall hurries off to clear out the house. I go to Hail and examine where the knife went in, there's a lot of blood but I think she missed anything vital.
"Take it out." He pants.
I pull the blade from his shoulder then take off my shirt to tie around his arm.
"Get Squall to sew you up." I help him to his feet. "I'm going to go help Torrent."
"Take it easy on her," he sounds a bit hazy. "She's protective of who she loves and that's not a bad thing."
I sneer at him, my insides are brimming with fire, and my anger is ready to be unleashed. She fucked up our sacrifice and now she’s more involved than I ever wanted.
I head to the door Torrent went through that leads to the basement. This is where all our equipment is and not a single soul is allowed down here save for the four of us and whomever we deem worthy of our justice.
The stairs are narrow and I wonder to myself how the hell Torrent managed to get them both down here on his own. I let the dank, wet smell of the cement walls seep into my nostrils and follow the yelling voices.
"Untie her you fucking asshole." My demon sounds pissed and I can't help how fast my cock swells at the sound.
I walk into the room and find Torrent tying up Sky with Tempest beating on his back. I wrap my arm around her neck and haul her back into me, making her watch as Torrent takes her friend’s bound hands and hangs them from the large hook descending from the ceiling.
“What are you doing to her?” She screams and I press my mouth to her ear.
“I have to punish you or else let go of everything my brothers and I have planned for years. No matter what I feel for you, I can’t fuck this up.”
She struggles against me, but I force her still as Torrent wraps her hands together and drags her to the other hook. I watch as he pulls her arms over her head and drops the rope down. She tries to struggle but it’s her friend that tells her to stop.
“Temp, stop. It’s no use.”
“Don’t say that Sky.” She grinds through her teeth, “we’ll get out of here and then we’re going to kill each of them.”
Her robe chooses that moment to come undone and I see the pentagram burning red against her skin, still dripping with blood. I don’t know why I etched that into her but I must admit it looks like it belongs there. It was to mark her as mine in a moment of weakness and no matter where she goes, she’ll be mine forever.
“Let them hang out for a bit.” Torrent says with a snort. “I need to clean up Karen and get ready for Kenny. His plane just landed.”
I nod and watch as he leaves the room, then I turn to her. My girl with the stormy eyes and a heart full of pain.
“You should’ve listened to me. Now, you have to pay the price of disobedience.”
She doesn't answer me but her eyes flash with a hatred so raw and once again she’s become my fucking mirror.
“That is why you were chosen for me.” I point at her face. “You think you hide it so well, then put yourself on a stage, and pray people won’t see it.”
“Fuck you.” She growls.
“You are exactly like me, Demon.” I whisper in her ear. “And now you will belong to me forever.” I touch the mark on her torso.