Page 10 of Song of Tenebrae
“Fuck,” she whispers and the sound of her heels tell me she’s pacing, “what do I do?”
I hear the shoes come off and then the rustle of clothing, I want to look out at her so fucking badly. I hold it in and listen as the sound of her shower turns on. When I hear the shower curtain being pulled shut, I step out from behind the drapes, and let my feet lead me to the washroom. I want to see her, I want to touch her, but right now I’ll settle for her scent instead.
The steam is thick and making the washroom foggy, the heat gathering around me. I step into the center of the room and inhale deeply. It’s the apricot musk scent that I associate with her and I’m once again straining against my pants. I take one final breath and hold it there inside me, letting her infiltrate my dark heart. It only beats for her.
I walk back to the door, dragging my fingers along her curtain, and smile when I hear her intake of breath. I step into her room when the scrape of metal-on-metal alerts me to her opening the shower curtain but I’m already out of her room. I stand in the hallway and listen closely, hearing an angry “fuck.”
I grin and head back to the kitchen, walking by Sky’s room, and am surprised when we lock eyes.
“Raiden?” she hisses and sits up, “What the fuck?”
I look at her and shrug, “had to check in.”
“Oh my god,” she presses her fingers to her temples, “she’s going to kill me.”
I continue into the kitchen and open the door, stepping out onto the staircase. I can hear Sky approaching so I don’t bother shutting the door.
“You can’t keep coming here.” She says standing in the open doorway.
“I’ll do whatever I please, you know that.”
“She’s onto you.” She hisses and looks behind her, “soon she’ll find out.”
“How would she be ‘onto me’?”
“She received your text messages last night.” She growls at me and my eyebrows crash together.
“The ones I sent to you?” I raise my brow.
“And sent to her.” She bares her teeth.
“I didn’t send them to her.”
Her face pulls back and shock lines her features, “she had the pictures, Raiden.”
“That’s impossible.” Isn’t it?
I only sent those photos to Sky to make sure she knew they were no longer going to come around. But somehow, my phone sent another text last night. I don’t say a word as I hurry down the steps, Sky’s hiss hitting my back.
“Don’t come back here!”
“Don’t come back here!” I hear Sky’s voice as I walk toward the kitchen.
I stand there in the doorway and wait until she comes back inside, closing the door softly. She turns and when she sees me standing there, she lets out a scream.
“Tempest!” she holds her hand to her chest.
“Who were you telling not to come back here?” I lean over the kitchen sink and try to peer out into the dark.
“Um,” her eyes shift and I look at her with my brow raised. “It was a customer and it freaked me out.”
“A customer?” That is a bit scary, we knew it would be a possibility that they could make their way back here, but none had until now. “What did they want?”
“The manager,” she rolls her eyes and grabs her jean jacket from the hook by the door, “looks like a few of his friends were cut off for being too rowdy.” She opens the door and looks back, “I’ll go handle it.”
Big Man - our bartender - must be having a fucking night if he had to cut a few off, it happens but not often, and I debate whether I should go check on him. I shake it off and pull my robe closer around me, my hand closing around something warm. I lift it up to my face and my whole body begins to vibrate. I have a hand covered in cum. I throw the robe off of me with a scream and run into my room. Someone was in here and I begin to shake all over again as I grab my phone.