Page 29 of Song of Tenebrae
“Is that what you truly want, Temp?” Tiny leans forward, “I saw the emotions on your face as you came out of that washroom. It didn’t look like a woman wanting to kill a man.”
“Possess him.” Sky reiterates.
Possess him.It seems impossible but I can’t deny I love the way it sounds.
“Oh wow.” Tiny breathes and we all look out the window.
Dominica dominates the skyline, the mountains slowly climbing higher and the waters becoming more and more crystal like. Why is my heart skipping so fast it feels like it’s about to jump from my chest? No, it’s not fear but it is something that makes my stomach clench with apprehension. Looking out to the land that comes closer and closer makes me feel like I’m coming home.
The landing, moving from the plane to a waiting car, and then the drive, are all foggy. I fight to stay lucid as the alcohol I consumed and the lack of sleep threaten to knock me out. I want to see it, the house that changed my life, and haunts my every sleeping moment. I want to watch as it takes over my vision and I am once again thrusted into its gothic beauty.
The spires are the first thing you see as you drive over the old cobblestone road. The very tips shine bright as they reflect the sun’s rays off their gold metallic surfaces. Then the gray stone exterior takes over and the windows are all encased with the same gold trim. It’s the only house on this part of the island and even from here I can see the fucking thing is haunted. The clouds hover over its roof and the darkened windows still penetrates through the fog.
The tall wrought iron fencing encloses the property and every four feet is a large bolt of lightning. Raiden’s symbol. The gates open with a loud squeaking noise and Tiny cringes, but I don’t budge. I don’t want to miss a single moment. We have our own car and driver and I was relieved to hear I wouldn’t have to sit with Raiden and his Deluge brothers for another forty-five-minute drive. I wouldn’t want them to see me like this, anticipating the very house that broke me, and unable to hide the awe from my face.
Scratch that, the house is not what broke me, but it was witness to the worst part of my life, and that’s saying a lot because my whole life has been a fucking ocean of depravity. But here, between the walls of this mansion was where I took my last breath and drowned as Tempest Skeigh Verona. The woman that was rescued from the cold frigid waters was forever changed and this house witnessed every mouthful of water my lungs took in.
Even through all that, I can’t hate the house that looms up ahead of us; I can only continue to stare in awe. It must be similar for the ladies on either side of me because none of us say a single word. The driveway is an interlocking grey stone to match the house’s exterior and it’s shaved perfectly flat. There’s a large fountain that sits in the middle of the drive right in front of the house and in the center is a naked cherub. Its face is contorted into a mask of pain and the water flows from its eyes like tears. The car pulls up in front of the house and stops. None of us move and our eyes never stray from the crying figure in the center of the fountain.
“If that’s not the best representation of this place, I don’t know what is.” Sky murmurs.
“Beauty in the midst of pain.” I utter and the car once again falls silent.
We hear the engine of another approaching car and finally turn our heads to watch it approach. It’s exactly like the one we’re riding in and I know he’s in it. I can feel him and my heart just knows who the fuck it belongs to. I can admit it. My heart wants Raiden but I learned at a young age that the heart can go on with or without the person it beats for.
He steps out and I watch his white t-shirt ripple in the breeze, molding to his body and all its ridges. His skin brightens in the Dominica sun and his hair glistens as the light touches the short, tight curls. His eyes are even lighter in the sun and the green is the most dominating color to shine through. The corners crinkle as he squints and his luscious mouth curls down into a slight frown.
“Fuck, if that man isn’t gorgeous though.” Tiny whispers, and my stomach burns with jealousy. Iwillpossess him. I make the decision then and there.
He walks toward our car, his swagger exaggerated and the piercings in his nose glinting in the sun. Yes, he is gorgeous but most deadly things are on the outside, it’s the only way they can attract their prey. Our driver gets out and they begin to speak, Raiden’s eyes flicking from the driver to the car.
“Where are the others?” Tiny asks when no one else gets out of the other car.
“Maybe they were bitten by poisonous snakes.” Sky mutters.
“They probably eat those as appetizers.” I snort and motion for her to open the door. “Besides, we wouldn’t be so lucky.”
We all get out of the car and look up toward the towering mansion. The large double doors shine with what looks to be a fresh coat of black lacquer that matches the gates and there's a large lion’s head knocker dead center.
“This place is breathtaking.” Tiny breathes as she climbs the steps to the front door.
“It certainly is that.” I wonder out loud as my earlier sentiment clouds my mind once again, like drowning in an ocean of depravity.
“You remember which room is yours, I’m guessing.” His heat is at my back and I clamp my lips between my teeth to stop the moan fighting its way out. “Tonight is leather.”
Those words rip me out of the present and back inside this house, inside the bedroom I stayed in a year ago. I gasp and feel my limbs become heavy with fear. No. They don't mean to have this celebration again. I look at my friends as they disappear inside the house and my heart slams against my ribs. They can’t hurt them.
“No.” I croak out as his tongue sliding up my throat brings me back to the present.
“Yes.” His soft lips land on my ear, “tonight is leather and your outfit is waiting on the bed.”
He brushes by me and up the stairs, like he isn’t worried I will run in the opposite direction. He knows the two most important people in my life are already inside and I would never leave them alone with these monsters.
I watch them get into separate cars and drive off in opposite directions. Their foundation is cracking and I can see their time spent in close quarters for so long is pulling them apart. This will make it easier when I take down Raiden.
“Do you need a car as well, sir?” The pilot asks.