Page 48 of Song of Tenebrae
“No, you love me and I love you.”
Then he’s gone.
Sky’s voice comes through my deep sleep and I groan as I throw a hand over my face, “what?”
“Can we talk?” She sounds nervous and unsure.
“Yeah,” I wave my hand and sit up, pulling the sheet to cover my chest. “I guess we should.”
“I know you probably hate me for lying to you, I really only have excuses and after being back here and seeing the shit you’re going through, I can’t even justify my actions.”
I exhale and shake my head, “I don’t hate you but I feel like I’ve been let down, again. My whole life, Sky, has been comprised of people letting me down and those people are supposed to be the ones that love me.”
I watch as large tears fall from her eyes and she nods, “that’s what I was afraid of. I thought I was being selfless in keeping quiet because I saw something between you two that I envied.”
“Oh really?” I snort, “was it the carving into my skin?” I pull back the sheet and point to the fresh wound, “or the rape while I was whipped.”
Her lip begins to quiver and I feel the guilt at my sudden anger, “I know, I fucked up. But I swear Temp, I saw the passion in both his and your eyes, something I had never seen before. I wanted you to have that.”
“I love him,” I admit to her with a nod, “and he says he loves me too. So, I can’t dispute that you saw something, I’m just hurt it was done behind my back. He was in our house and you knew it, I thought I was going crazy, Sky.”
“I didn’t think he was there to hurt you.” She grabs my hand, “I could see what you meant to him, Tempest, he was at the club every night and watched you.”
“I can see him doing that, psycho.” I can’t help the grin that takes over.
“Can you forgive me?”
“I forgave you the moment it was said,” I assure her, “I just needed time to get over the anger.”
“Okay,” she gives me a watery smile.
“Hail,” I begin and she holds her hand up.
“No,” she shakes her head adamantly, “he’s so fucked up, Tempest.”
“Uh…” I raise a brow, “have I shown you this?” I pull back the sheet again and point to the cut on my thigh.
“I know they all are,” she rolls her eyes, “he’s gotten worse though, he’s not himself. He has these terrible migraines and when he comes out of them, he’s so disoriented. He was in my room last night,” she leans forward, “while I slept, he just stood at the end of my bed… watching me.”
My heart nearly beats out of my chest, “just watching you?”
“Yeah, I woke up sensing it.” She chews into her bottom lip, “and when I asked him if he was okay, he didn’t answer. He just stood there and finally he left.”
“Did he have a hood on, Sky?” I squeeze her hand in fear, “did you see his face?”
“He was wearing a hoodie but I saw his face, the hood was down.”
I begin to feel sick as I get out of bed and throw on my robe. Was it Hail in my room two nights ago? I saw the pure hatred in his eyes when he looked at me last night and I can’t help but be worried. What does he want to do to Sky?
“Tempest, you’re scaring me.” Sky says in a hushed whisper.
“Someone who wasn’t Raiden broke into our house the night the power was out and stole my perfume.”
“The Coco Mademoiselle.” She whispers.
“Yes,” I nod, “two nights ago I woke up to the scent and found a hooded figure at the end of my bed.”