Page 42 of Harbor
Fuck. Nate. Walker.
Almost twenty-four hours post our last date together, I’m still livid. How dare he lie to me like he did! I was willing to forgive him for keeping secrets about his past, but the fact that he was in town looking for Jarred is unforgivable. Obviously, he knew things about Jarred’s life, and he didn’t deny that he knew who I was from the get-go. I hate being lied to, but this is beyond that. I feel violated. He sought me out for information. He involved my son and mom. He got close to us, made us all like and trust him, and all for what? Hoping to gain information for his manhunt?
And the fact that Jarred is a wanted man … it’s definitely concerning to me. However, I don’t think I have any reason to worry about him showing up here. He hasn’t shown his face in Port Townsend or tried to contact me once since he left seven years ago. I wonder what he got himself into? I doubt he’ll make an appearance now, considering he owes me thousands in child support. Why would he come back to his hometown? Especially if people are looking for him. Isn’t that one of the first places they would look? Obviously it is, since Nate and Rob were here.
How stupid I was! The one time I actually cave and give in to dating a man, and this is what I get! I should’ve known better. I don’t need a man in my life. I need to concentrate on being a successful business owner and single mom to Noah. Men can fucking suck it. I’m through with them. I should’ve never started and stuck to my original plan in the first place.
As I drive home from work, I can’t stop thinking about what a rat he is. He texted me twice last night after I left, apologizing and trying to win me back. Then he texted again this morning, saying he was leaving town and that he’ll miss me. I didn’t respond to him at all. I didn’t want to open the door to communication with him. I just wanted him to disappear.
The sad thing is, I couldn’t bring myself to block his number. I thought about it, but a little part of me couldn’t do it. One thought kept running through my mind. What if Jarred contacts me or actually comes back to town? Surely, I would call the police now that I know he’s a wanted criminal, but I would also let Nate know. While I’m livid with the man, there’s only one person I can’t stand even more, and that’s Jarred. I’d turn him in in a heartbeat, even if that means contacting Nate.
I’m surprised to see Kim’s car in our driveway when I get home. We haven’t communicated with each other in days, and it’s not like her to drop by unannounced. This can only mean one thing—Mom called her.
After the Uber dropped me off last night, I unloaded on Mom. I told her everything that happened and what an ass Nate is. Mom was supportive as ever and held me as I cried. Yes, I cried tears for that jerk-off, which pisses me off even more. No man is worth crying over, especially a liar.
As soon as I walk in the front door, I see Mom and Kim sitting in the living room together.
“Hi, dear,” Mom says. “Kim’s here.”
Hanging my purse and jacket on the coat hook, I reply, “I saw her car in the driveway. What brings you over?”
Kim stands and walks over to greet me, arms outstretched. “Your mom told me what happened. I’m so sorry.” She wraps me in a hug, and I hug her back, even if I am annoyed that my mom involved her.
“It’s okay. I’m fine, really.”
Kim steps back and looks at me. “What a douche! I can’t believe he used you to try to get secret information about Jarred.”
I shrug. “What can I say? I was duped. He was charming and lied well. I fell for it, unfortunately.”
We sit on the couch. Mom sits near us on the recliner. “I was worried about you after last night,” she says to me. “You were so angry and upset. I thought Kim should know so she can help you get through this.”
Mom’s always trying to help.
“As soon as she called me, I knew I had to be here for you. It’s the first man you’ve opened up to and dated, and he does this! It’s so messed up, Shawna. I’m sorry you went through this.”
I really don’t need this. I’ll be fine. But I also know Mom and Kim are a force to be reckoned with, and no matter what I say, they’re still going to be here for me. After Jarred left Noah and me, they were both here to pick up the pieces. Back then, I was a mess. I was a new mother, just out of high school, and I didn’t know what to do. It took a long time for me to get over Jarred. I’m really grateful for what Mom and Kim did to help me back then, but this isn’t the same. I’ll be fine.
“Guys, really, I’m okay. Yeah, I was upset last night because it had just happened. My feelings were hurt, and I felt violated. But now that Nate’s gone, I can move on. It’s not like when Jarred left. I barely knew Nate, and we only went out a few times.”
“Yeah, but he was the first guy you showed interest in dating in years,” Kim says, placing
her hand on my knee as a way to show support.
I chuckle. “That’s right, and I learned my lesson. Also, looking at my track record with men, I think I should stay single. One is wanted for domestic terrorism, and the other is a sneaky liar. I just need to stick to my original plan and not date anyone until I’m ready. I’ll be okay. Really.”
Kim stays for dinner, then goes home after. It’s nice to spend time with her, but it’s also a relief when she leaves. I don’t want to keep dwelling on what happened with Nate. I just want to move on with my life.
Of course, Noah had questions about what happened. I gave him a simple explanation
and said that Nate had to go home to San Diego. I didn’t go into the details about him lying to me, and I especially didn’t mention anything about his father. I didn’t see a reason to drag Noah into the drama.
As I get ready for bed, my phone buzzes with a text. I look at it, hoping it’s Kim giving me another pep talk about what a strong, independent woman I am, but it’s Nate. I don’t want to read it, but I can’t help myself.
Nate:I know you don’t want to hear from me. I can’t stop thinking about you, though. I’m truly sorry for hurting you. I didn’t intend for things to happen the way they did, but I do have feelings for you. I think you’re an amazing woman, and I loved the time we spent together. I won’t bother you again, but I wanted you to know that. Take care, Shawna.
Tears sting my eyes, and it pisses me off. I’m mad he had such an effect on me and that I let myself fall for a man I thought was honest. And I’m angry that I almost believe every word of his text. I know better than that. I can’t allow myself to be duped twice by the same man.