Page 13 of Summer Magic
I don’t want to discuss the chapter with him, though, so I set the book on the arm of my chair and change the subject. “So, how was the book signing?”
“It was good. And a little overwhelming. I wasn’t expecting so many people to come see me.”
He seems so humble, which makes him more endearing. “Really? Have you done many book signings before?”
Stone finishes chewing the bite of burger in his mouth, then responds, “No. This was only my second one.”
For some reason, I’m surprised by this. “Really? Wow. I thought you would’ve had more under your belt with how popular you’ve become.”
He shrugs. “I have a few more scheduled this summer. I’ve enjoyed doing them so far, but I don’t think I’ll ever get used to people wanting to meet me.”
We continue to talk while Stone eats his burger and fries. He tells me more about the book signings he has scheduled, which he has to travel for, which leads us to talking about various places we’ve visited around the country. Neither of us has done a lot of traveling in our lives, but we both have a goal to see more of the world.
“I have to admit, though,” he says as he throws his empty wrappers into the brown paper bag he brought them in. “We’re pretty lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world. I mean, look at this!” He puts his arms out, referring to the ocean in front of us. “Do you know how many people in the world would give their right arm to be able to wake up to this view every day?”
I chuckle. “You’re definitely right about that,” I say. “I do feel lucky to be able to live here. I love the ocean.”
Stone looks at me and smiles. The muscles in my lower belly clench.He’s so damn sexy!
“I want to walk on the beach,” he says, suddenly standing from his chair. I look up at him, and he turns to face me. “Wanna take a walk?”
Hell yes, I do!I keep my cool, so I don’t scare Stone away, though. “Um, sure. I’d like that.”
I stand. Stone smiles, seemingly happy that I agreed to go with him, which makes me feel good. I was hoping to spend time with him tonight and walking on the beach together––especially at this time, so close to sunset––is on the verge of being romantic.
I can’t get ahead of myself, though. I’m sure I’m reading far too much into this. Stone is just a guest at our B&B, which happens to be on the beach.
Stone discards his fast-food remnants in the garbage can, and then we head out onto the beach.
“So, tell me more about your family,” Stone says. “I know Lorelei’s your aunt. Is she related to your mom or dad?”
“Lorelei is my dad’s sister. Although my dad was in and out of my life, Lorelei was a constant. She remained friends with my mom after my parents divorced, and my mom and I would come here to visit quite a bit.”
“Wow, that’s cool.”
“Yeah, Lorelei and I always had this sort of special connection. We share a birthday, and I always thought that was neat.”
“When’s your birthday?” he asks.
“January 7.”
“Ah, a Capricorn,” he says, and I stop in my tracks and look at him in astonishment.
“You knew that off the top of your head?”
Stone rubs the back of his neck and almost looks embarrassed. “Yeah. You know, growing up with my mom… I learned the zodiac signs.” He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders.
I crack a smile. “Well, when’s your birthday?”
We start walking again, and he answers, “September 10.”
“Virgo,” I say. “I also know the zodiac signs well, thanks to Lorelei.”
Stone chuckles. “You know what they say about Capricorns and Virgos?”
I consider his question, but I’m not sure of the answer. “No. Tell me.”
He smirks. “Let’s just say they’re highly compatible.”