Page 24 of Summer Magic
Olivia drives into town, and although it’s teeming with tourists, she manages to find a decent parking spot just a block away from the arcade.
“Do you ever get recognized in public? Like a celebrity?” she asks as we walk into Funland, the sounds of video games enveloping us.
With a chuckle, I reply, “Sometimes. Not very often, though.”
“That must be weird and cool at the same time.”
We stop at the automated machine to purchase game cards.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it,” I reply as I take my wallet out of my pocket and pay for a game card for us to share.
“Ready to get your butt kicked at air hockey?” Olivia asks.
I take the card out of the dispenser, then turn toward her. “You’re so sure of yourself, aren’t you?”
She laughs. “You don’t know how good I am.”
I smirk and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her close to me. “Oh, Idoknow how good you are,” I say, looking into her hazel eyes.
She looks at me, speechless, as if she’s trying to think of a good comeback. Before she can say anything, though, I playfully slap her on the ass. “Let’s go have some fun!”
“Where the hell are you taking me?” Stone asks as I drive out of town, into the hills surrounded by trees.
“You’ll see,” I reply.
“Is it not enough that you kicked my butt at both air hockeyandSkee-Ball? Now it seems you’re taking me into the middle of the forest to do God knows what to me,” he says with a short laugh.
I shake my head. “You have nothing to worry about. However, Imaydo God knows what to you later.” I love the flirty banter Stone and I have had with each other all day, and, honestly, it turns me on.
“Hmmmm… that doesn’t sound too bad, actually.” Stone’s deep voice has a direct line to my libido, making my clit throb.
I turn into the parking lot of our destination, shoving all erotic thoughts of Stone going down on me last night to the back of my mind for now.
“We’re here,” I say cheerfully as I park my car. “Welcome to The Rusty Skipper!”
Stone looks out the window at the log cabin structure covered in old license plates. “The Rusty Skipper, eh?” He looks at me. “Looks like an interesting place.”
We get out of the car and walk toward the entrance. Stone is a gentleman and opens the door for me. “Thanks,” I say as I walk past him.
“Wow,” he says as he walks into the eclectic restaurant/bar. Beer signs and travel memorabilia clutter the walls, and it’s busy as ever. “This is not what I expected, but I like it.”
A cheerful waitress seats us at a booth in the back corner.Joleneby Dolly Parton plays on the jukebox. I watch as Stone takes in his surroundings, a look of awe on his face. “Have you ever been to a dive bar quite like this before?” I ask.
He looks at me and shakes his head. “No. Is this a dive bar? I don’t know if I'd classify it as that.”
“What would you call it?” Although I agree, it’s a little too nice to be a dive bar, yet everyone in town refers to it as one for some reason. I guess that’s because it doesn’t fit into another category. It’s a unique place.
Stone shrugs. “I don’t know, actually. I guess it somehow fits within dive bar standards.”
“The food here is amazing, especially their seafood and burgers. You won’t be disappointed.”
And we aredefinitelynot disappointed. Not only is our food delicious, but we enjoy each other’s company. We’ve spent hours together today, not to mention yesterday… and the day before that… and we still haven’t run out of things to talk about. Our conversation flows easily, and I enjoy learning about Stone. He’s also genuinely interested in everything I have to say, which is nice. We flirt here and there, but he seems to be interested in more than just flirting with me, as I am with him. I like this man, and my feelings are going deeper.
A little voice in the back of my head keeps warning me to be careful. I don’t want to get hurt again. Stone almost seems too good to be true.
Am I overreacting? Maybe I don’t need to worry. It’s just the trust issues I’ve had since Clint cheated on me. That was over two years ago, though… I need to move on and learn to trust again. After all, when was the last time a man treated me like this? Even Clint, who I was with for years, never gave me this much attention on a date. I think Stone is truly a good man.