Page 38 of Summer Magic
On the other hand, Stone was insistent that Carson’s sister made it all up. Of course, that’s exactly what someone who lied and cheated would say.
Maybe he’s telling the truth, though?
Stone has never given me a reason to doubt him. However, I have to remember what he does for a living. He’s a master at making up stories… how am I supposed to know if he’s telling me the truth?
The drive back to Seaside is long and boring but listening to music helps. It’s depressing to think that I should be going back to Stone’s house with him now. It would’ve been my first time ever being there, and I was looking forward to seeing where he lives. We would’ve had terrific sex tonight, too.
Oh, the sex. Sex with Stone was goodevery time. The chemistry we had was unbelievable. I never knew sex could be that good because I’d never experienced anything like it before. It’s one of the many things I’m going to miss about Stone.
By the time I get home, I’m exhausted and just want to go to bed. I send a text to my friends, as well as Stone, to let them know I made it home. Then I head inside the house. I see Lorelei as soon as I walk in the front door, sitting in the parlor reading a book.Notone of Stone’s books, but one about astrology. She sets it down as soon as I walk in.
I had texted her to let her know I was coming home and that I would explain everything later, but now I don’t feel like talking about it. I just want to curl up in my bed and go to sleep.
“How are you?” she asks.
Standing in the archway entrance to the parlor, I shrug. “Not great. Tired. I don’t have the energy to talk right now.”
Lorelei gives me a sad smile. “I was so worried when you said you were driving all the way home. I’m glad you made it here safely. Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”
And then, out of nowhere, the dam breaks. Tears spring to my eyes, and I can’t stop them from rolling down my cheeks.
“Oh, honey!” Lorelei rushes over, wrapping me in a hug, and my arms fly around her for support. “Trust me, everything will be all right.”
I sob into my aunt’s shoulder like I’ve done a thousand times before. She’s been here for me my entire life. Anytime I had a problem, Lorelei helped me through it. Whether it was over the phone or in person, she’s been my touchstone my entire life, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have her.
“Come on. Let’s sit and talk, and you can tell me everything that happened.” Between her soothing voice and the gentle way she strokes the back of my hair, she calms my nerves. I manage to stop the tears from flowing and wipe my eyes as Lorelei guides me over to the couch.
My head is pounding when I wake up in the morning. I’m not hungover, though. Lorelei and I didn’t drink any alcohol. I know this is the result of stress and crying.
I’d rather be hungover.
Lorelei and I talked for well over an hour last night. I explained everything that happened, and she listened with empathy. In true Lorelei fashion, she didn’t tell me what I should do, but rather offered advice for me to ponder.
The bottom line is that Lorelei thinks I should give Stone a chance to explain himself. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but when I’m ready to hear what he has to say with a clear mind. Of course, those weren’t the exact words she told me, but it’s what she meant.
After our talk, I went upstairs and got ready for bed. I hadn’t looked at my phone since I had first arrived home, and I had three text messages waiting for me: one from Brianne, Chelsea, and, of course, Stone.
Brianne: I hope you’re doing okay. Please call me as soon as you’re feeling up to it. Love you!
Chelsea: I’m so sorry about what happened! We need to talk. Please call me!
And then there’s Stone’s text, which brought me to tears again. He says he’s never cheated on a girlfriend before, and I want to believe him. I just feel as if it’s impossible for me to truly trust what he’s saying.
I didn’t have the mental capacity to deal with anything else, so I turned my phone off and went to bed.
But today is a new day, and I know I’ll have to deal with this disaster eventually.
Just not before breakfast.
I get out of bed, take Tylenol to aid my headache, then take a shower. After that, I throw on a t-shirt and yoga pants, then head downstairs to the kitchen. It’s Tuesday, so it’s my day off. Ishouldbe having breakfast with Stone right now… or maybe enjoying a round of morning sex… but here I am.
Once I finish eating, I go out to the back deck with my phone and make myself comfortable on a chair in the corner of the deck. Then, I make my first phone call of the morning.
“Olivia! How are you doing?” she asks as soon as she answers, her voice laced with concern.
“I’m okay,” I lie. “I mean, I’m doing the best I can under the circumstances.”