Page 92 of Shades (Reckless Souls MC 3)
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I reach out to grab Letty as her legs buckle underneath her, gathering her in my arms as my heart stops, just fucking stops as her lids slide shut.
“Letty, babe! Wake up!”
I lightly smack her face, hoping that this is just shock, the weight of everything that’s happened to her crashing over her.
“Letty!” I get nothing. “Fuck.”
The more I stare at her, the rope burns on her arms and legs, the bruises forming on her face, the angrier I am about every fucking thing.
Nova steps in close. “I’ve got her.” His face is a blank mask while he pulls out his penlight and checks her eyes and her pulse. “What can you tell me?”
“She said her throat burned, and she couldn’t keep her eyes open. I don’t know if the eyes are from the smoke and fire or if they gave her something.”
Nova nods and motions for me to follow him to the van where he can examine her with at least a hint of privacy.
“I’ll take care of her, man. You do what needs to be done here.”
“She just fucking passed out,” I growl angrily, wishing I could have gotten to her sooner. I should have gone in the minute those fucking gas cans came out. “Help her, Nova.”
“You know I will,” he tells me seriously. “Don’t worry about us here. I’ll get her back to the clubhouse and make sure she’s all right. It’s probably the effects of smoke inhalation. Take care of the bullshit here and get back alive, man.”
I nod and slam the side door shut before I turn back to the rest of my club. “Braden did this shit. It was the goddamn preacher,” I growl and shoot an angry glare at Ace, my best friend, and my Prez.
“You keep saying that,” Ace says, clearly losing patience with me. “Where’s the proof?”
I point to the van as it slowly rolls toward the street.
“The proof is in that fucking car! Letty told me that he called her, frantic for her to come to the church to fix some goddamn problem, and you know what was waiting for her when she got here? Hector and his crew.”
I close my eyes and let out an angry roar. “He fucking did this, Ace, and I’m going to kill that fucking phony, and then Hector and his whole goddamn crew.”
“Shit.” Ace’s shoulders sink in disappointment, and in the next moment, he’s standing tall with his shoulders squared, his jaw set. “Do you know where Braden is now?”
I nod. “Still inside. He was strapped to the chair beside Letty.”
“Good.” Ace nods and looks off into the distance without really seeing anything. “You and Preacher go get that fucker and take him to The Chamber. We’ll lay some cover fire to get you inside.”
I nod and scan the circle until I lay eyes on Preacher. “Ready?”
Preacher nods, and we both pull out our guns. We duck down low and take the long route around the ass end of the church while gunfire sounds behind us. Ace and the guys will take care of Iron Kings, but for now, my goal is simple. Grab Braden and take him to The Chamber without too much damage.
“To your right!” Preacher’s shout comes a second too late as a bullet whizzes by me so fucking close I can hear it.
I spot the shooter and stop to take aim, shooting that asshole right in the chest. Another Iron King on his way to hell.
“Thanks.” I smile, and Preacher nods for us to keep moving forward.
“Ah, shit!” Preacher hisses as we reach the door. He touches the handle. “Hot as fuck,” he growls and uses his t-shirt to yank on the handle.
“Toward the back offices,” I tell him and crouch down low because smoke is taking over the whole damn building. “Use your shirt to cover your mouth.”
Preacher nods, leading the way down the short hall where the church staff offices are located.
“Help! Someone, help me! Please!”