Page 119 of Loving Whiskey
Chapter 50
Cashisamanof his word. I know that everything I’ve told him I want is what he’ll make happen. I just don’t know how it’s possible. I haven’t fathomed a way that I can have my career, live in a small town, and raise my kids with Cash by my side. And yet, I know this man will move mountains for me and somehow make it so that Boston can occur in a town like Bristol. That family can coexist with our busy lives. That love can blossom between us because he says it will. Where there is a will, Cash will make it the way.
“I’m in love,” Sarah coos as she stares at the dress I’ve picked for her New Year’s Eve event.
I let out a hearty laugh. “Well, I’d rather you be in love with one of the men I selected, but the dress will do.”
“It’s just you did such a good job upselling Hayden Hanson, everyone else seems like a disappointment.”
I frown. I really did sell Hayden, and he’s not coming back. Apparently, he has some ritual with his best friend from home where he spends every New Year’s Eve with her. Sounds rather interesting and not exactly innocent, but I’m hoping that means Hayden is moving on. Even if it’s just for the night.
“Oh, there are plenty of eligible bachelors that I sent your way. What about Andrew?”
Sarah looks down at the photos before her and then stares back wistfully at the dress. “I suppose he will do.”
I laugh. “Nope. I am not settling for he will do. Let me look back at our list and see if I can find someone better.”
Sarah wrings her hands together. “Honestly, maybe it’s me. I’m looking for a damn unicorn. Someone who isn’t threatened by my career. Someone who can stand on his own damn feet. And it wouldn’t hurt if he was good at oral too.”
I laugh loudly at her admission.
“See, I told you…a unicorn. He doesn’t exist, right?”
I shake my head. Yes, he does. But I’m not sharing. Cash is all of those things and more. “We just gotta find you a nice shot of whiskey,” I reply with a sly smile.
Sarah scrunches her face up. “I’m a vodka girl.”
I shake my head. “Just because you haven’t had the right kind yet. Believe me, darling, once you’ve had the perfect smooth bourbon, you’ll never go back.”
New Year’s Eve arrives and I’m almost ecstatic. Sarah has a date. He’s not Cash level amazing, but he definitely can live up to the Whiskey name, and I have a date with the bathtub and my amazing boyfriend.
When the phone rings and a name I never thought would come across it again appears, I’m at a complete loss for words. Cash is still at work, finishing up some last minute things, and I decide now is better than later to deal with my mother.
“Hi Mom,” I say, picking up the phone, uneasy and unsure what to expect.
“Grace, how was your Christmas?”
I sigh. We really are doing this. “It was fine. How was yours?”
“Well, I didn’t hear from my only child, but I suppose it was okay. Spent it by myself. Nothing new there. Waited by the phone all day to hear from you, but that didn’t occur.”
I roll my eyes. Is this woman for real? “I’m sorry to hear you didn’t have someone to spend it with. Honestly, I’m surprised Steven didn’t ask you to join him since you were both so chummy-chummy last time we talked.”
Whoops. I really thought I’d make it further in the conversation before snapping. Oh well.
My mother appears at a loss for words. Flustered and completely speechless. Can’t lie and say I’m not a teeny tiny bit proud of myself. But the joy is fleeting. Damn morality sets in, and I feel shitty for being so petty. “Sorry, Mom, that was uncalled for. Or maybe it was called for, but I appreciate you reaching out, so I’ll try to bite my tongue.”
“Well, I…” My mother grumbles something unintelligible and then starts again. “I’m the one who should apologize. It’s been months, Grace. I’m sorry.”
Color me shocked. My mother has never admitted to being wrong in the entirety of my life. In fact, she’s never been the one to reach out. Before this call I would have sworn that if I never reached out to her, I’d never speak to her again. She just isn’t the type to admit her faults, or even see them, in all honesty. I stumble a response. “Thanks, Mom.”
“So, I hear Marion retired. How’s business been?”
“It’s good. Busy. I’ve taken women on as clients, and it’s completely changed our business model, so it’s been a lot of work, but very fulfilling.”
My mother is silent on the other end of the phone.