Page 129 of Loving Whiskey
Chapter 54
Cashandhisfakeproposals are driving me nuts. For Valentine’s Day, Cash flew us to Nashville and introduced me to all of his old friends from the time in his life when he lived there. We stayed at his house with the wraparound porch, and as the sun dipped down across the fields of gold, Cash kneeled in front of me, and I thought for sure this was it. He wasfinallygoing to propose. At our first business date he’d described to me his version of a perfect marriage which included nights on the porch in Nashville. I thought he wanted to take us full circle. But nope, he just saw a penny he wanted to pick up on the ground, and when he saw it was heads up, he told me to make a wish. I told him I wished he’d go screw himself, and he laughed so hard he fell over.
The following week while out at a restaurant after an ultrasound where we got to see our baby’s angelic face, Cash was waxing poetic about how happy he was and then he dropped to one knee again. Or so I thought. I watched him quietly, wondering what trick was up his sleeve. He was tying his damn shoe. The man always wears loafers. I swear to God he intentionally wore shoes with ties just to tease me.
So today when he has asked me to meet him in Bristol at the winery, I already have it in my mind to ignore whatever stupid stunt he pulls next. If he drops to his knee again, I’m not even going to give him the gratification of looking down. I’ll have the last laugh.
It isn’t lost on me that when he does this for real, he’ll be like the boy who cried wolf, and I’ll be immune to it. He’s going to ruin his own damn moment.
Frank eyes me in the rearview mirror and clears his throat. “Something bothering you, Grace?”
I roll my eyes. “Bossman is driving me nuts with his stupid nonproposals. Seriously, can you tell me if he’s got some big plan? Because if he does, you can tell him it’s backfiring. At first he was softening me up to the idea, but now when he asks me, I’m going to say no.”
I fold my arms across my chest in defiance and Frank laughs. “Sure you will.”
I glare at him. “He’s not so irresistible, Frank. Icanresist him.”
Frank chuckles. “Yes, you resisted him for a whole week after he begged for you back as I recall.”
My jaw drops. “I thought you were on my side.”
He laughs harder. “Just reminding you that like him, you can’t resist him. You each get each other so worked up. Look at you—you’re practically salivating for an engagement you don’t even want!”
“That’s not true; I want it.”
Both Frank and I lock eyes at my admission.Shit.I don’t even think I realized how badly I wanted it to be real until this moment.
“You can’t tell him,” I say quickly.
Frank’s eyes close and he nods. “You have my word.”
We come to a stop in front of the winery, and it’s bustling with cars. It’s the end of March, so the weather is just starting to warm up and it appears so is the town of Bristol. People mill about with smiles and light jackets, probably happy to finally be out of the house and past the grueling months of winter.
Frank opens the door and helps me get out of the car. Unfortunately, I actually need his assistance now. This belly of mine gets in the way of everything. I’m constantly bumping into inappropriate things, like doors and clients and coffee cups. I’ve broken so many that Cash sent a memo to Rachel to only keep Styrofoam in my office, and he replaced all of our cups with paper for the time being.
Cash walks out, and my heart skips a stupid beat like it always does in his presence. He looks edible in an emerald-green button-down, dark jeans, and a smile, his hair windblown and unkempt as his eyes dance as they peruse me. You’d think that my whale-like status would turn him off, but he’s just as hungry for me as the day we met.
I blush as he nods at Frank and then pulls me in for a kiss. “Hey beautiful, thanks for making time for me today.”
I close my eyes and inhale his scent, appreciating the warmth of the sun on my skin. “Honestly, it’s good to get out of the office. Besides, I could really use some time here so that I can brainstorm some more.”
Cash’s eyes remain on my lips, and he rubs his thumb over my bottom one. “No work today, sweetheart. This is purely pleasure.” His warm breath teases my skin, and I lean in for another kiss. Cash chuckles against my lips and pulls me toward the entrance. “Come on, Angel.”
As he opens the door, I retort, “I’m only going in there if you promise you won’t drop down on your knee for another fake proposal. No more jokes, Cash. I don’t like those kinds of surprises…”
The words die on my lips as a small group yells, “Surprise!”
My eyes clock Marion in the corner, Tessa standing beside her with Rachel, a few friends from Boston, Caris, the owner of the winery who has become a good friend as we work out the kinks of our new business, Cash’s grandmother, and then Cat standing beside her with a big smile.
“Sorry, you should have mentioned you hated surprises before,” Cash teases in my ear. Lucky for him he doesn’t choose this moment to drop to his knee for another fake proposal. I would have kicked him.
Smiling, I whisper, “Did you arrange all this?”
“Yup. Happy baby shower, baby. Now I’m going to get out of here, because I heard these things are only for women.” He kisses my cheek, waves at his family, and heads out with Frank.
“Are you surprised?” Cat asks, walking up and grabbing me in a hug.