Page 133 of Loving Whiskey
Chase’s face falls, his shoulders sag in defeat, and my grandfather’s words ring out in my head.If the truth of Chase’s birth came out, it would only lead to devastation.
Yeah, it would certainly be fucking devastating to find out that my girlfriend and I share a brother. What a fucking mess.
“Well, is she?” I practically yell.
Chaseshrinks onto the couch. “No…” He covers his face, and although I know he wants answers, man, am I relieved as fuck to learn that Grace and I don’t share a brother. “She told me she couldn’t have kids after Grace. She’s kinda crazy. She blamed Grace.”
My fingers dig into my legs. “She what?”
“She said she had to have emergency surgery when Grace was born—that Grace left her infertile.”
I grind my teeth. That woman is poison.
“Anyway, that’s not the point,” my brother continues. “The point is youliedto me. Everyone lies to me.”
I kick my desk and my chair goes flying. I stand up and move to the couch to sit down next to Chase, tugging on his arm so he’ll look up at me. “No, Chase. I’m under an NDA. Believe me, I wanted to tell you guys. Pa put something into place to protect the company from Dad. I promise I was going to share it all with you as soon as I could.”
“Did you tell Grace?” he says, clearly hitting me where it hurts.
Yes, she knows, and apparently she’s been seeing her mom. Has she told her about the business? Does she know her mother and my father are together? None of this makes any fucking sense.
I nod. “Yes, because we are planning a life together and having a baby together. She needed to know where I’d be. It’s not because I trusted her more than you, Chase.” I swallow the words angrily, trying hard not to fly off the handle like I did last time I thought Grace lied to me. Although, here it seems pretty impossible that she didn’t do what I’m thinking she did.
No one else knows.
“Can you help me find out who my mother is? I need to know, Cash. This is eating me alive.”
I sigh heavily. “I’ll find out.”
Over Chase’s shoulder, Frank stares at me. I shrug a response. What choice do I have? I need to get to the bottom of all of this. And unfortunately, I’m afraid I won’t like any of the answers Grace has for me.
“Don’t go in there screaming,” Frank says as he rides the elevator up with me.
“I don’t need a fucking escort into my own apartment, Frank.”
“See, that’s where I think you’re wrong. Because you’re still stewing. I can practically see the steam coming out of your ears. You need to think before you talk to her.”
I shake my head. “I need to get the truth before my mind spins any more crazy lies. I swear, Frank, right now my head is coming up with the most fucked-up thoughts. I need to put them to rest. There’s obviously been some sort of misunderstanding. There is no way Grace told her mother about the company. Even if she was reconnecting with her mother,”—and hiding it from me—“she wouldn’t tell her about the company. She knows how much it means to me.”
Frank sighs and puts a hand on my back. “I don’t know. I mean I never would have believed she did this if I hadn’t been sitting there, but I think you should be prepared.”
I roll my neck in stress. “I know.”
When the elevator door opens, we’re met with silence. “Find out where—”
Frank interrupts me as he holds up his phone. “On it.”
I wander into the apartment, calling out Grace’s name even though I know she isn’t here. I feel her absence, and the quiet taunts me.
I need answers…but even more than that, I need Grace.