Page 155 of Loving Whiskey
When they disappear, my sister turns to me with a smile. “Are you excited?”
Grinning, I reply, “Of course. Marrying Grace in front of everyone, telling the world we’re a family—it’s all I’ve ever wanted.She’sall I’ve ever wanted.”
Cat’s smile is wistful. “I love her for you.”
I laugh. “I remember a time when you said that about a certain woman who shall not be named.”
Cat rolls her eyes. “God, I was an idiot. And so wretched. I’m sorry again, Cash. I mean I can’t even imagine if I’d succeeded. We wouldn’t have Grace in our lives, or Hopie.”
We both smile as we think about my daughter. She’s spoiled and treasured in equal parts.
I tap my elbow against her own. “It’s okay, it all worked out. So really, what’s going on with you and Jay?”
Cat’s eyes search the room, as if seeing if someone will hear. “It has to do with Chase’s mom. Remember how Pa said knowing would only lead to devastation?”
I nod, but my eyes crease in confusion. What could that possibly have to do with Jay?
Cat sighs. “Well, he was right.”
Before she can explain, Chase is walking back with a smile on his face, and Carter is clapping him on the back. “This guy. He is one smooth motherfucker.”
Chaselaughs and moves into place. “Let’s just say, I’ll be testing out your bamboo garden later.”
Cat mock pukes. “Gross, can my brothers at least hide their sex lives from me?”
Chase smiles sheepishly at her. “Nope.”
Music starts and interrupts our antics, and my focus is immediately drawn to the back of the garden. Everything else can wait. It’s time to marry my wife.
“You look proud of yourself,” Frank says as he sets his glass down on the bar next to my own. His eyes are on me, but mine haven’t left the view on the dance floor, my wife spinning my daughter in circles with Tessa, Cat, and Marion as the band plays “This Will Be” by Natalie Cole.
I nod my head as I finally peel my eyes away from the most perfect sight. “I really fucking am,” I admit. “But I couldn’t have done it without you.”
My best friend smirks right before taking another sip of his drink, and we both turn back to the show in front of us. All of the women surrounding my daughter are making ridiculous faces, and Hope’s smile gets bigger every time Tessa pops up surprising her. My wife’s best friend is insane, but I do love how happy she makes both of my girls.
My grandfather and Landry sit to the side of the dance floor, big smiles on their faces as they watch all the women dance around Hope. Our family keeps expanding—with friends and kids and spouses—and I couldn’t be happier. Unfortunately, the little bubble pops when Jay appears on the dance floor trying to gain my sister’s attention. I can see she’s trying to ignore him but she doesn’t want to make a scene, so she leaves the dance floor and they head in our direction.
“Incoming,” Frank mutters under his breath as they walk toward us. We both turn to face the bar, having no interest in interacting with that man today.
In a voice barely above a whisper my sister mutters, “Not today, Jay. Until you give me the answers I want, I have nothing to say to you.”
His reply is just as terse. “It’s not what you think.”
“Then tell me what exactly it is. Why is Vanessa asking you foranothermillion dollars? Why did you pay her the first million? What the fuck aren’t you telling me?”
Frank’s and my eyes snap to one another and I bite my tongue. I knew that motherfucker was behind everything all those months ago. Before I can turn around and ruin my wedding, Frank’s hand is on my shoulder. “I got this; go enjoy your wife.”
I close my eyes, my jaw clenched and my heart hammering in my chest.
Frank squeezes my shoulder. “It’s not worth it. Breathe…I got this.”
I sigh. He’s right. I shoot Hanson a scalding look and the man has the decency to look sheepish as he sulks out of the wedding leaving my sister fuming in her place. “I’ll deal with Cat,” Frank says as he pushes me toward the dance floor.
I take a few minutes to breathe, really not wanting to allow Hanson to ruin another moment of my wedding. Frank is right. It’s not worth it. In the end, I got my wife and my child—it was just made exponentially more difficult because of Hanson. And for that I’ll never forgive him. I may not have all the pieces but any chance he had at becoming my brother-in-law is all but over. Over my dead body will I allow my sister to marry that asshole.
A tapping on my shoulder interrupts my brooding. “Hey Big Daddy, why you looking so sour?” Tessa says as she hits me with one of her megawatt smiles.
She started calling me Big Daddy when Hope was born. It’s annoying. But it makes Grace smile and I’m a sucker for anything that makes that woman happy.