Page 23 of Loving Whiskey
Cat and I have been friends for years, but it wasn’t until Cat started working with Grace Kensington that I was able to see Cat in a different light. Grace has a tried and true method that leads to a real connection, and Cat and I are so grateful to her for helping us realize what has always been right in front of us.
What is he talking about? They’re in a relationship?
If they are, I had nothing to do with it. God, that’s the last woman I’d set him up with. This is a freaking disaster.
I hit the icon to call Tessa, and she picks up on the first ring. “Hey.”
“Are we living in the twilight zone? I’m being dead serious. For months,years, Jay has been hitting on me, flirting with me incessantly, and now, just when I’m ready to say fuck it and date him, he announces he’s with Catherine James. What the actual fuck!”
Tessa groans. “First of all, there is no way you were ever going to date Jay, so stop it with that. And this has to be some sort of PR stunt. There is no way they’re dating.”
I bite my lip. “You didn’t see him with her when they came into my office. Or when we ran into him at dinner. There was something odd about their interactions. I’m telling you, something is up, and it’s more than Jay helping me out.”
Tessa hums on the other end of the phone. “Listen, I’ll do whatever you want because I owe you, but seriously, I think this is a good thing. You can finally move on from that entire messed up family.”
My stomach flips at her words. I didn’t tell her what happened with Cash last night, but I’m sure she could tell when I walked out of the office with my just-fucked hair and missing lipstick. If that wasn’t a dead giveaway, the shocked expression on my face was probably information enough. And now I’m naked in Jay’s brother’s room. This has disaster written all over it.
Although, Tessa is right about the Cat and Jay match. I should take this and run with it. Now I don’t have to deal with any of them. I’m officially off the hook from representing Cat, but I still get the publicity of having set her up with her billionaire boyfriend, and no one is looking in my direction anymore as Jay’s girlfriend. Win-win.
I let out a long breath. “Okay. So, this is a new beginning you’re saying?”
I hear Tessa’s smile when she speaks, “Yes, my girl. So, what do you want to do with your life?”
I can’t help the small smile that peeks out from my mouth, like the sun sneaking through a cloudy sky. This is what I’ve been waiting for since I walked out of my house and away from marriage. A new beginning. A fresh start.
What sounds like a laugh escapes my throat, but it comes out as a sob. Overwhelmed by all the changes, by the losses, and by the new beginning, I feel the tears pour even as I smile. It’s almost manic. And maybe no one would understand unless they’ve been in my shoes. Heartbroken, torn apart, and yet still freaking standing.
Well, really curled up on the floor twisted in between sheets to hide my naked body, but still. Steven didn’t break me. Cash didn’t break me. And if losing the man that I literally thought was the love of my life didn’t actually make my heart stop beating, then I’m pretty sure I can make it through this.
Hayden walks in with that adorable smile on his face, and I feel my mood lift slightly. “Tessa, I’m going to have to call you back,” I whisper into the phone while keeping my eyes on the man in front of me. “That new beginning may have just come knocking, and I don’t want to waste another minute.”