Page 75 of Loving Whiskey
Chapter 36
Ican’tgetmyhead on straight. No matter how hard I try, I can’t convince myself to text Cash.
No gift arrived this morning, not that I expected it. I haven’t reached out to say thank you all week. It’s rude that I haven’t said thank you—I admit that—but it’s Friday, and even though I was supposed to text him, the idea of spending the evening with him terrifies me.
When the phone rings and I hear Hayden on the other side of the receiver, I feel my entire body exhale.
“Hey love, how are you feeling?”
I smile into the phone and look down at my small bump. While I complain about my growing hips, the bump is still only noticeable if you know I’m pregnant. Today, in a loose-fitting sweater dress, the bump is well hidden.
“I’m doing okay, how about you? You leave for London this weekend, right?”
Hayden sighs into the phone. “Yes, I’ll be gone through the New Year. The offer still stands for you to join us.”
The Hanson brothers are going home to London for the holidays. Well, everyone but Jay. He and Cat are going to wait until after Christmas because she doesn’t want to miss the holiday with her grandparents. Her grandfather is still weak and no one knows when or if he will recover completely.
“I appreciate that, Haydes, but I don’t think it’s good to travel while pregnant.”
He laughs into the phone. “I can have a doctor on the flight and at your beck and call for the entire trip if you say yes. But we both know that isn’t the reason…”
I sigh because he’s right. Marion and Asher are going to Paris for Christmas. It was planned when I was still with Cash and she didn’t envision me being alone, let alone pregnant, for Christmas. Even though it’s a second honeymoon for them, she invited me along.
“You’re right. With business taking off as it is, and holidays being a time to fall in love and all,” I say with a laugh, “I don’t think it would be a good time for me to go on vacation.”
Hayden grumbles, “That’s not the reason either, Grace.”
“If you’re suggesting that I’m staying because of Cash, you couldn’t be more wrong.”
As it is, I’m dreading dinner this weekend. So much so that it’s already five p.m. and I still haven’t called him. I can’t say I even feel bad about it. After Cash made me suffer for months, he can stew a bit longer.
Hayden’s voice softens. “Have you spoken to him yet?”
Tears prick at my eyes. I have no idea why. Why does Hayden’s soft voice make me cry? Maybe it’s what he’s referring to that’s really my undoing. The reminder that I need to talk to Cash. Or maybe it’s the fear that once I give Cash an inch, he won’t give me the space I need. He’ll just take what he wants, and I won’t be able to stop him because deep down I’m still a sucker for all things Cash related. Even when I’m angry.
I stagger a breath. “He sent flowers on Monday, requested dinner, and then showed up at my office to walk me home. And he’s sent gifts every day this week. Well, every day but today.” I roll my eyes. “I’m supposed to text him, but I haven’t yet.”
“What are you waiting for?”
“Can we go out? I’m not ready to deal with Cash yet, and I have something to give you before you leave for Christmas.” Just saying that I’m going to delay dinner with Cash relieves my nerves. I’ll see Cash tomorrow. Tonight, I just need my friend and I need more time.
I can hear his smile as he replies, “I’ll come by and pick you up in twenty?”
“Perfect. Thank you, Hayden, I really need this.”
Then he hits me with perfection which only leaves me questioning if Cash really is the one for me. “Anything for you, Grace. Always.”
Hayden’s broad frame makes me feel tiny, which is hard to come by ever since the proverbial stick turned pink. His five o’clock shadow has developed into a well-groomed beard, and his blonde hair is pulled back low on his head in a man bun. A man his size, with long hair and broad shoulders, never interested me before. But on him, on the kind man who befriended me when I was at my worst, it’s utterly gorgeous.
With his hand on my back, he steers us into the restaurant, and he doesn’t remove it until we reach the table. “You look gorgeous, Grace,” he says with a smile, his eyes not leaving mine.
I bite my lip in response. “You don’t look too bad yourself, Hayden. I’m sure all the women in London are cheering waiting for Garreth and you to arrive.”
He shakes his head and laughs. “Not interested.”
“In gorgeous women throwing themselves at you? Seriously, why not?” I tease before reaching out to grab a piece of the delicious warm bread that is placed before us. There is an oil and parmesan mixture on the table with red pepper flakes in it, and I dip the bread before popping a bite in my mouth.