Page 23 of Rugged Heart
“I don’t want to hear ‘I told you so’ come out of your mouth whatsoever, Greyson Andrew.”
The smirk I’ve been stifling makes its appearance, and I bite my bottom lip. “Indulge me, please. I have to hear this story.” Resting my hands under my chin, I wait in anticipation for her to tell her tale.
Theo clammers into her lap and hugs her around her waist, watching the rain punch against the sliding glass door to the backyard.
An exaggerated noise escapes her, and she rolls her eyes before meeting my gaze. “He showed up in a red and green striped shirt. A t-shirt, not a dress shirt, and we were at a nice restaurant. Not that clothes are the deciding factor, but when I went to make a joke about it, he didn’t find it funny. I was embarrassed, and we hadn’t even gotten to the appetizers.”
A chuckle leaves me as I picture the Freddy Kruger lookalike. “Go on. I know there’s more than that.”
“Um, he ordered a steak and whipped out his own pocketknife to cut it with after telling me his cat’s name was also Scarlett.”
My eyes go wide. “Are you shitting me right now?”
“No, I swear to you. He just happily ate steak off the tip of his knife while I tried to think of every excuse I could to leave before he skewered me to feed to his ‘precious Scarlett.’”
Running her hands down her face, Scar says, “Why, why can’t I find a normal guy?” Even though her woes are legit, the man in me, the man who’s been her friend for the past several years, knows she deserves the best.
“Yeah, the last one was a dud, too. Remember him? What was his name? Ahh, Rudy with the perpetual red nose. Lived up to his name. How did he end up getting another date?”
Scarlett scowls at me and I won’t lie to myself—it’s pretty fucking cute. “His mom worked with me, and I promised her I’d go to that stupid BBQ with him. I didn’t realize it was a two-day event. Everyone thought we were a couple. I felt bad when I broke the news to her that her son and I would never get married.”
“Poor Scarlett,” I tease before tweaking her nose. “But in all seriousness, he’s out there, I promise. You’re too good of a person to be on the market long.”
As the statement leaves my mouth, my ribcage tightens around my lungs. The words are one hundred percent true. It’s the idea of anyone else with her that has me wheezing. I’m not a jealous prick, but thinking of another man’s hands on her, touching her, kissing her, makes my skin crawl and puts me on high alert. I have no right to these feelings, but I’m struggling to keep them at bay.
A faint blush creeps over her cheeks and she ducks her head into Theo’s hair, stroking his back. “Thank you. Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you as my best friend?”
I nod and pat her shoulder, ignoring the pang the word friend does to my chest. I should be lucky to have her still here as my friend, given the shit I put her through.
Lightning strikes, arcing brightly against the sky visible through the back door blinds, and the rattle of thunder a second later echoes throughout the house. “Uh oh, I better leave now before the storm gets worse. A warning popped up on my phone on the way here, stating there’s potential for hail,” she says.
“Mommy, I don’t want you to go.” Theo pops his head up and leans on Scarlett’s shoulder, his blue eyes earnest.
“I know, bubs, but Mommy’s house isn’t that far, and you’ll see me tomorrow.”
“Please don’t leave me. The storm is scary.”
This always guts me—when he begs for both of us and one of us must go. To him, we’re states away instead of a few miles.
Another flash of lightning and crack of thunder shakes the house.
Scarlett squeezes Theo tighter and I blurt out, “Why don’t we ask Mommy to stay until the storm passes? We can build a fort in the living room to keep us safe. What do you think about that?”
Theo sheds his skin from excitement. “Oh please, oh please, can we?”
I tip my head toward Scarlett, and she has a twinkle in her eye. “Only if you want me to.”
“Of course. Besides, it’s bad out there, and I’d get worried about you driving in it.”
I hold my hands out for Theo and he leaps from his mother’s lap into my arms. “Let’s go make a fort, Daddy.” My heart explodes as I follow him to the living room, watching as he gathers all the blankets from my father’s old wooden chest under the window and sets about arranging them over the couch.
Scarlett calls from the kitchen, “I’ll make some popcorn,” as me and the little man load up the fort with all the couch cushions.
Ten minutes later, all three of us are settled under the fort, munching on hot, buttery popcorn and watching some animated movie until Theo grows tired and his eyes droop. Holding his hand in mine, his mouth goes slack and his chest rises and falls in an even rhythm. I brush back his wild hair and press a kiss to his forehead, thanking God I made the right decision all those years ago to get sober and healthy for him. For me.
The blanket secure under his chin, I move the popcorn bowl out of the way before turning to Scarlett, but she’s passed out as well, hugging a pillow, one of her hands entwined with Theo’s. Her blonde hair splays out in soft waves and the urge to sweep it back is strong. Her lips are parted slightly and her eyes flutter gently as she dreams.
Again, my chest tightens with this insurmountable pang. It aches and burns and intensifies when I take in her sleeping frame.
The force of my feelings knocks me sideways and steals my breath. I jerk back and stumble as I rise to my feet, making my way to the kitchen, clutching the edge of the ceramic sink. The rain splatters and pounds at the window, echoing the thundering cadence of my heart. Why? Why did this have to happen? There are moments in your life that will stick with you no matter what, and this is that moment. Panic seizes me and my first thought is to grab a drink to dull the anxiety, but I suck in a breath, stuffing the urge back down. I haven’t had any alcohol in this house for years. I’m not starting now.
The wind whips through the trees in my backyard, sending the rain clapping against my house as the bare truth slams into me. I lower my head to my chest, feeling my warm, ragged gasps through my shirt.
I love her. I love the one woman I can never have.