Page 30 of Rugged Heart
My notebook sits open on the marble island, but I struggle to pick up the pen. Today in part was difficult. So many negative thoughts blaze through my mind, and I’m supposed to find the positives? Also, am I going to gloss over that kiss between Scarlett and me? I shouldn’t give it attention at all, but I can’t stop my mind nor my body from playing it over and over in an earth-shattering spiral.
I groan. Those supple strawberry flavored lips now tattooed on my flesh taunt me. It was only by sheer divine restraint I managed not to tug her flush to my body and open wide her mouth with my needy tongue to devour all of her. My thinly veiled control all but begged me to spin and pin her against my door, to sink my total weight into her, showing her just how much she affects me. And it was only by pure self-possession I didn’t drop to my knees and shower her with affectionate flicks of my tongue and murmur my words of love and adoration on her soft, creamy skin. God, how she felt wrapped completely in my arms, her body molded to mine.
Shoving back my journal, I reach into my box of Tagalongs, only to find it empty.
“Theodore Hayden Lee!” I growl, with no real steam behind it.
My adorably obnoxious son barrels out of his room, unruly hair flopping over his forehead, fear evident in his indigo eyes. “What happened? What’s wrong?”
I hold up the bare box and shake it upside down as his face blooms with the unmistakable expression of being caught red-handed.
“Uh, yeah. You know these are my favorite. I really needed them today,” I huff out, tossing the box to the counter and hunching over in my chair.
“Why? Are you on your rag?”
I sputter and sit up straight, spinning to face him. “What the hell, Theo! Where did you get that from?”
He shrugs and plunks down in the seat next to me, swinging his knobby knees attached to lanky legs between the rungs. “School. Some girl was moody, and the guys asked her that.”
“Oh geez, kid, that’s so rude. It’s called a period, not a rag. Do you even know what a period is?”
He shrugs again. I swear kids only know to shrug and not actually talk. “Not really.”
Blowing out a breath, I face him, hands in my lap. “Girls go through one every month and it can sometimes make them crabby, but it’s our job as men to not make them feel bad for something that happens to their bodies in which they have no control over. Uh, it has to do with unfertilized eggs and bleeding—” I stop when Theo’s face turns a shade of white you see in winter, matching his oversized T-shirt.
I scratch the back of my neck, sweat popping up over my skin. I hope I’m explaining this the right way.
He scrunches up his button nose sprinkled with freckles and picks at a stray string on the hem of his black basketball shorts. “Shouldn’t Mom be the one talking to me about this since she’s a girl?”
“Well, she would if she wasn’t on a date. I’d totally make her explain.”
“Ahh, so that explains your mood.” He smirks and rakes back his hair like I do.
“What mood? I’m not in a mood.”
“Dad. Every time Mom goes on a date, you get grumpy. Why?” Grabbing my pen, he attempts to spin it atop his finger, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.
I swallow. Here’s my chance. The opening scene where I can admit I’m in love with his mother, but I hang back in the rafters. It doesn’t feel right to spill my guts and get his hopes up, only to crush his spirits if she never returned the sentiments. That kiss, though. It said a hell of a lot. It felt real to me and I know she had to feel something, too. Is she thinking about it on her date? Does she think I did it on purpose? I fucking hope not—I’d never betray her like that.
“We’re getting off topic, kid.”
“So are you.”
Touché“Smart ass.”
“I learned it from the best.”
Hard to be mad after that. I puff my chest out a bit. “Don’t you forget it either.”
Theo rolls his eyes and smiles, sliding off the stool before patting me on the back as he heads to his bedroom. “Don’t worry about her. She’s a badass and can take care of herself. Besides, she has both of us if it doesn’t go well and she knows that.”
“Language dude!”
Laughing as he closes his door, I settle back onto my seat, grinning and thanking my lucky stars my kiddo is as cool as he is.