Page 32 of Rugged Heart
“Watch it, pal, or I’ll run you over with it.” She grins as she opens her passenger door and pulls out her bag and camera.
“Go ahead. Today is the day to put me out of my misery.” I jerk my thumb back toward where Scarlett and Kellen are talking. Rowan hefts her black satchel over her shoulder, eyeing them behind me.
“What’s going on with that?” she asks as she adjusts her wide leather camera strap around her neck.
I sigh, heavy and deep. “Scarlett went on a date with him last night and she had a good time, so she says.” I neglect to tell her about the kiss. It doesn’t matter, given Scarlett’s dismissal.
We walk side by side and I offer to carry her gear, slinging it up over my shoulders. Kellen and Scarlett are locked in a conversation, and it appears she’s enjoying it far too much, her head bent back, laughter spilling out of her luscious mouth. I’m going clinically insane with unbridled jealousy.
“Ouch, but easy there, boo. It won’t last, trust me.” Her lips bow up before she lifts her camera and snaps a picture of me.
I laugh sardonically. “You’re sure of this, aren’t you?” I respond as we stop in front of the pair, still deep in a riveting discussion. Scarlett eventually turns her head toward us, an unreadable expression crossing her face.
“Don’t you worry, honey, I got you,” Rowan purrs as she sashays up to Scarlett and holds out her hand. “Hi, I’m Rowan. We didn’t get to officially meet the other night.”
Scarlett unleashes a smile and takes it, shaking it up and down. “Nice to meet you. I’m Scarlett, Greyson’s best friend.” She put a big emphasis on best. Not even Kellen missed that as he quirks up a brow.
I hike my shoulders. “What can I say? Everybody loves me. Anyway, now that introductions are out of the way, I’m going to let Row do her job. Kellen, she’s here to take some progression pictures of the new building, so you may see her around the next few weeks.”
Nodding, he extends out an arm, allowing her to step around him. “Feel free. Just be careful of the equipment and debris so you don’t get injured. I’ll have an extra hardhat for you next time. We’re all supposed to be wearing them.”
“Do you have them in blue?” she jests, hauling her camera up. Snapping a few pictures of the building frame, she then surveys the surrounding area as I turn my attention back to Scar.
Kellen walked away to speak with one of the crew, and I take a moment to interrogate her. “Did you and Loverboy decide on another date?” I swallow the bite to my words, lacing them with saccharine instead.
“She’s pretty. Beautiful, actually. Nice.” Inspecting her already immaculate nails, she sideswipes my question.
“Yeah, she is.” I can’t deny it. Rowisstunning.
But she’s not you, Scar, and never will be.
“Have you asked her out yet?” She gnaws her lip and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s…jealous.
“What’s with the sudden interest in my dating life?” I pin her with my eyes, pleading with her to read my face, to see how I feel about her. Consequently, I’m the coward who refuses to declare it out loud.
Shrugging, she hugs one arm with the other. “It’s time. That’s all. Time for us both to settle down with someone. Right?”
I hitch my thumb toward Kellen, still deep in an exchange with his crew. “And you think that guy is who you’re going to settle down with?”
She follows the direction of my finger and again shreds her lip. I fight through the desire to roll out that pouty red flesh and bite it myself, instead opting to clench my fists at my sides.
“Anyone will do as long as he’s nice, doesn’t live in his mother’s basement, and can file his own taxes.”
I gape at her. “Granted, those are okay goals, but are you serious? Please tell me you are not dumbing down your worth because you’re on some made-up timeline.”
She gives me her profile, rubbing at her ski slope nose, swirling her sneaker-clad toe in the grass.
“Everything okay?” Kellen asks, returning to the conversation, touching Scarlett on her elbow.
Her head whips up, and she offers him an exaggerated smile. “Yes, everything is great.”
Such a little liar, Scarlett Rhodes. I know you better than most, and something has you on edge.
Orange blossom perfume tickles my nose as Rowan joins us, placing her camera back in her bag, her glossy curls obscuring her face. “Got some great pictures for you. I’ll send them to you once I edit them.”
I nod my appreciation and before I engage in any more emotional warfare, I decide it’s time to head back to work. I can’t suffer through watching Kellen make Scarlett laugh or smile or talk about their upcoming dates.
However, my stupid mouth opens and spews out words before my brain can reset the dumb move. “Hey, why don’t you come by SoS tomorrow afternoon if you can spare the time? We have a rock climbing wall, and Scar is scheduled to lead one of the teen groups. We can do timed sprints up it.”