Page 41 of Rugged Heart
A lopsided grin. “Aww, you’re killing me—those are the best parts.”
The corners of my mouth quirk up. “You’ll survive.”
My focus turns to the first page as my phone buzzes across the coffee table. A text from Kellen pops up and Greyson sees it.
“Oh shoot, we were supposed to meet up for another date. I’ll have to tell him we need to reschedule.”
“You sure?” his voice is quiet and his baby blues are wary.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I promised you I’d stay and besides, I had forgotten it was my night with Theo, so I would’ve had to hold off no matter what.”
“Does he know about Theo?” he asks as I slide open my phone to send off a reply.
I shake my head. “Not yet. It’s too soon. I’m not sure I see him as a long-term thing.”
He perks up. “Really?”
My shoulder hikes and I pick at the price sticker left on the book cover. How can I explain something I don’t even understand myself? As he sits here, sick and haggard, my body yearns to curl around his, to make him feel better.
“I can’t get ahead of myself. I have little luck in the men department.”
He cringes, his poor face looking more and more… well, gray as the minutes pass.
“Do I need to grab a bowl in case you need to puke?”
His face pales as he jerks his head from side to side. “No,” he croaks, “just hot and cold and my muscles hurt.”
“Let me take your temp.”
I’m in the kitchen rifling through the medicine cabinet when Theo walks in. “Hey Mom.”
I spin as he opens the pantry and snags a bag of chips. “I haven’t forgotten about you, I promise, been looking after your dad.”
“Yeah, he’s really sick.” He plops onto a bar stool and the bag crinkles as he rips into it, tossing back a crispy chip. “I know it’s our night, but I was wondering if I could go stay over at Aunt Savy and Uncle Preston’s house. Alistair has been begging for me to come over and play his new board game with him, and I feel bad I’ve brushed him off.”
Pouting, I lean my hip on the counter, twirling the thermometer in my hands. “You don’t want to hang out with your dear ole Mom?”
“It’s not that—” he rubs the back of his neck just like Greyson does.
“I’m kidding. It’s probably a good idea. I don’t need you catching what your dad has. Let me call your uncle and ask.”
“Already did.” He waves his phone back and forth before setting it down on the counter, stuffing another bite into his mouth.
“Okay then, Mr. Prepared. Go get your stuff ready and I’ll drop you off.”
“He’s on his way.”
I throw my hands to the ceiling in mock irritation. “Well, you’ve got it all under control, don’t you? Come here.” I spread wide my arms, and he slinks off the stool and wraps his lanky arms around my waist, sending a whiff of sour cream and cheddar cheese from his snack my way.
“Baby, can you slow down on the growing, please? This momma’s heart can’t handle you getting taller than me.”
Head at my nose, his cedar and lemon Old Spice shampoo reminds me he’s not a tiny boy anymore. The days of baby powdered bottoms and endless snuggles have dwindled to bouts of hormonal meltdowns and arguing over screen time. Still eternally my favorite human when I count the bone-crushing hugs and long conversations about his hopes and dreams amid the nightmares of adolescence.
I ruffle his hair as he rolls his lapis blue eyes, looking every single bit his father, and my heart swells. If Theo turns out to be half the man Greyson is, then I’m a lucky lady.
My steps follow him to the living room where Grey, still wrapped up like a burrito on the couch, sips on his drink.“Theo’s going to Preston’s for the night. You sure you want the company? I can check on you tomorrow on my way to pick him up.”
His nod is barely noticeable under his beanie and my insides twist, whether it’s from the fact he doesn’t want me to go or because he’s sick is unknown.