Page 49 of Rugged Heart
Craning my head, I sneak a peek over my shoulder to make sure no one overheard in this tiny bookstore. It’s usually filled with little old ladies wearing strings of pearls, clutching them tightly as they browse the ancient cookbooks. Relief floods my system and I wilt back into the chair—the coast is clear.
“Why are we discussing him when this is supposed to be a date? Do you secretly have a crush on him? There was a time when I dated a guy who was with me to get near my brother. Greyson is a catch, I get it,” I trail off.
He studies me, his eyes clouding, before shaking his head. “No. Just curious about your relationship with him. You seem awfully close.”
“I’ve told you, we’re best friends.”
His face tells me he doesn’t necessarily believe me but doesn’t press further, thank goodness. Although, in the pit of my stomach, a little voice digs and digs, informing me my own words don’t ring true either.
Kellen fidgets as he skims through his book and it’s clear he’s not into this. If I knew how to growl, I would. Why invite me to a bookstore if all you’re going to do is silently count the minutes ticking by on the clock or constantly check your phone?
I’m seconds away from cutting this date short when I glance out the dust smeared windows and see Grey and Theo across the street at the ice-cream parlor, one of whose baby blues appear trained right on me.
I flit my gaze back to my book, the letters and words not making sense. A pang enters my chest and I know I’d rather be over there with them than here.
“Are you okay?” Kellen asks me, glancing down at my fingers tapping and sliding on the arm of the chair—I didn’t realize I was coding. I gulp. g r e y.Grey.
No, no, no.
“I apologize. I’ll be right back. I, uh, see someone I need to talk to.” I’m on my feet and out the door before he can reply.
Crossing the street, my annoyance at everything today amplifies as I step into the ice-cream parlor and my eyes land on Greyson, Theo… plus a perky Rowan slurping up frozen desserts. My family, my entire world, sharing a moment.
Without me.