Page 73 of Rugged Heart
Stepping away, I raise my head to meet his gaze. “Thank you. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear this.”
He bends over to pick up the brush and walks back to Milkdud, throwing over his broad shoulder, “You’re welcome. And Scar?”
“My dad used to tell me no one is ever good enough for the wrong person. I think you know Grey is yourrightperson. He’s worth it. All of it—he’s come so far. He’s the best man I know and when I watch him with Theo, watch him run this place, I’ve never been prouder to call him my brother.”
Those happy tears trail down my face, and I nod as I gently swipe them away. “Thank you, P.”
With that, I smile and skip to my car, mind on the man whose value trumps all the risks involved.
My fingers grip the steering wheel, and I send up a plea. A plea with the powers above that Greyson still thinksI’mworth it after my feelings quit playing Russian roulette. I’ve never gambled with the devil, but I might try my hand if it gets me to him.