Page 8 of Rugged Heart

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Page 8 of Rugged Heart

“I know, I know. But it’s okay to slow down, enjoy life a bit,” she says as she sips her tea. The server in his classic restaurant attire of black polo and khakis brings over a refill of my lemonade. His gaze rests appreciatively on Layla and her short, adorable red sundress. Oh, to be young again.

“Between work, volunteering, and being a mom, there isn’t a whole lot of time leftover, but I’ll try.”

She’s always striving to get me to go out and I hate to disappoint her, but I’m not the young and dumb Scarlett anymore.I’ve had to grow up fast.

“I noticed Greyson brought you coffee the other day.Another failed date?” she surmises as she wipes away a crumb from the table.

“What the hell? Is it that obvious?” I roll my eyes, masking how embarrassing it feels that even my co-workers have picked up on my less than stellar dating record.

“What’s up with you and your baby daddy, anyway?Why have you not bagged that hottie permanently?”

“Layla!” I admonish her while I think of what to say.Few know all the circumstances with Greyson and I but since Preston’s back in the picture, news circulates even today.

“What?” She throws up her hands with a smirk on her face. “He’s sexy with those tight jeans he always wears and that ball cap.He’s good with Theo, so what’s the deal? You need to lock him down.”

“Jesus, could you be more blunt?What if things simply didn’t work out for us?Is that solid enough reasoning for you?”

She waggles a carrot stick in my face before stabbing it in the hummus on her plate.“That’s not what I heard.”

Oh great, here we go.

“Exactly what did you hear? You know rumors are usually not true.”

“Yes. But I have reliable sources.It was a long time ago, Scar, and if you want to pick up something with your son’s dad, no one will stop you.If not, is he available? Would you care if I gave him my number?”

I stutter over the words jumbled in my brain.Greyson is not my property. He can do whatever he wants, but… “Uh, he’s not—”

“Relax.” She places her hand on my forearm.“I’m messin’ with you. I’d never do that.Just curious why you haven’t.”

I swing my gaze out the window, my eyes catching on the pedestrians milling around on the street during their lunch breaks, and bite my inner cheek as my skin heats.He’s my best friend. Thinking of him beyond that is wrong.No matter how sweet, funny, and good-looking—if I must admit—he is.I’ve lost my dad, I lost Preston, I don’t need to add Greyson to the list just because I’m headed toward a life of hoarding cats.

“We’re just friends, okay?”

She holds her hands up, her gold bracelet jingling.“Got it. No more talk about it.It would be super fun to go out with you sometime, though, like a double date.”

I wrinkle my nose.“That sounds like the worst idea ever, La.No way. I’m too old for that.I could honestly be your mother.” I stare at her fresh face, the way the light brightens up her flawless skin, making her hazel eyes pop, wishing I had taken better care of my skin when I was her age.

“You’re way cooler than my mom, and you’re not old.I see you as more like a sister.One who works too much but for a good cause, so as your friend, I let it slide.I will get you to go out with me sometime.Just let me work on finding you the right man first.” She rubs her hands together in glee, clicking her long French-tipped nails together, and I can’t help but laugh.Wait until I tell her she’s not the only one, as the speed-dating text from Savy burns a hole in my phone.Maybe I should try it out. See what happens?

Back at the office, full from lunch, my afternoon crawls and I’m ready to go home and snuggle with Geralt and the new book I bought.At least the cat doesn’t care about my relationship status.He knows he’s king.

“Scarlett, the contractor for the new building is on line two.Are you able to speak with him or should I have him call back?” Layla’s voice sounds out over the speaker on my work phone.

“Yes, patch him through. Thank you.”

I’ve sifted through my piles of papers until I locate what I need when the linerings.


“Well, hi there, Ms. Scarlett Rhodes.This is Kellen Payne, the lead contractor for your newcenter.”

His voice is deep and rich, with just the right amount of western twang to becharming.I smirk and reply, “Hi Mr. Payne, I’m so happy you reachedout.We here at ETC are thrilled to begin work on the newbuilding.”

“Call me Kellen, and it’s mypleasure.Just wanted to go over some basic itinerary and let you know I’ll be your primary contact throughout this entire process, and I don’t intend to let youdown.I did some research on your project and it sounds like pretty importantwork. We break ground Thursday and would love to get your input sometime.”

I’m taken aback that he’s done some extra homework on top of what I’m sure is a busy schedule for him and hiscrew.Smiling, I continue our conversation, enjoying the ease with which he walks me through his process and confident this will proceed with no majorhiccups.

“Well, Mr. Payne, I mean, Kellen, it was a pleasure to speak with you, and I look forward to working with you on this passion project ofmine.”

“I look forward to meeting you too, Ms. Rhodes.” The way he speaks is almost flirtatious and I blush at his silkytone.

Ending the call, I lean back in my chair, chewing on the end of my pen, contemplating,well,everything in my life up to this point and how one phone call with a suave construction worker made me realize even more how lonely Iam.

I pull up the link Savy sentme.Reading through the details, resolution blanketsme.Maybe speed-dating wouldn’t be the end of theworld.Perhaps it’s time to meet someone, take matters into my ownhands.I’m not getting any younger. I’m a successful thirty-four-year-old single mom and would like to spend my nights with a warm body aside from thecat.This could also explain the sudden attraction to my best friend: I’m lonely, getting older, and my hormones are playing tricks onme.That’s it, mysterysolved.

Speed-dating, here I come. Please don’t disappoint me.

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