Page 86 of Rugged Heart
On a rising crescendo, she flings her arms around my neck and snuggles closer, her hair tickling beneath my chin. “I bought it with you in mind. I wanted to see your face, and I wasn’t disappointed.”
“Was it that obvious?” I huff out a laugh. “Thank God I was sitting down when you came out on stage. Sporting a hard-on with a couple hundred people watching is not recommended. Does this mean we can leave now?” I’m only fifty percent joking. Parties aren’t my style anymore, but I come to support her. I’ll remain if she needs me no matter how laborious it is to talk shop with a bunch of individuals I see once a year.
“Worried I’ll be too worn out for later?” She raises a brow.
“I might not make it out to the parking lot if I’m honest. Is there a closet nearby?” I growl, nipping at her ear, swirling my tongue around her diamond stud.
She shudders and a laugh bubbles out. “Your patience is commendable. Unfortunately, I have to stick around for at least a few more hours. Answer questions, you know, suck up to the bigwigs with the fat wallets.”
Sliding my fingers through her hair, I sigh, “As long as you let me suck—”
“Excuse me, Ms. Rhodes, so sorry to interrupt, but we’re out of champagne flutes and no one seems to know where they’re stored at.” A petite server bites her lip and hugs her arm, clearly embarrassed by her request.
Scarlett crinkles her brows. “Um, yes. I know where they’re at. I think. Let me go check.”
“Oh, no, I can get them—you just enjoy the event,” she says with an apologetic smile.
“Nonsense. It might take me a few minutes to find the right place, but I’ll do it. No worries.” Scarlett smiles as the girl nods and walks away before turning back to me, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “You mentioned something about a closet? Want to come with me to find these flutes?”
“Simultaneously is a great goal. More often, it’s ladies first, but I’m okay with at the same time, too.” I wink and sink my teeth into my bottom lip.
Tangling our fingers together, she pulls me toward a hallway. “Do all men have dirty minds, or is it just you?”
“Can’t help it. You’re the one wearing this fuck-me dress and I’ve only been dying to get inside you for the last several years. Forgive me for my bad behavior.”
“Your bad behavior will probably get you rewarded. Come on, this way.”
Her appraising eyes possess me, stringing me along, until I’m like a dog with a bone, following her as she turns a corner, her luscious ass disappearing, taking all my inhibitions with her.
* * *
The wide,carpeted hallway muffles our footsteps as we get further and further from the banquet room, checking multiple doors for the supply closet.
“I thought you knew where it was,” I ask after the fifth door, my impatience showing.
“Hush—oh, finally,” she says after she’s pulled open one and flicks on the overhead light, exposing a small room full of shelving, boxes, a solid oak table, and various event supplies. Walking in, the door clicks shut behind us.
“Check over there and I’ll dig around over here. Melissa, the building manager, told me last week additional supplies should be in here.”
A small window illuminates with lightning as I stride around the empty oak table to rummage through a box on a metal shelf, shoving aside toilet paper and paper towels, but no flutes. The next box is silverware—the next, cloth napkins.
This is a fools’ errand … but we are alone. Patience, Grey, plenty of time to—
“Got ’em,” Scarlett exclaims as thunder rolls, rattling the windowpane and the florescent bulbs flicker. She tilts her head to the ceiling. “We better get back before the power goes out.”
No sooner did she utter the words, the lights click off, leaving us shrouded in darkness.
“Shit,” I mutter, feeling my pockets. “I don’t have my phone for a light.”
“I don’t either,” she says, her dress swishing and heels clicking as she moves to the door. “Crap. The door is stuck, it won’t open.”
“What do you mean, ‘it won’t open’?” Seconds later, I’m at her side and try the handle myself, but it doesn’t move. “It’s electronic. The power going out must have triggered it to lock.”
“Why would it lock us in?” Her voice is amused at the situation.
“No clue, but let’s see if any of these boxes have a flashlight.”
Feeling my way back around the table to the shelving, I sift through more boxes, having no luck.